IBM Books

MAS V3.4 Protocol Reference V2

Configuring and Monitoring APPN

This chapter describes the APPN configuration and monitoring commands. It includes the following sections:

Accessing the APPN Configuration Process

Use the following procedure to access the APPN configuration process.

  1. At the * prompt, enter talk 6. The Config> prompt is displayed.

    (If this prompt is not displayed, press Return again.)

  2. Enter protocol appn. The APPN Config> prompt is displayed.
  3. Enter an APPN configuration command.

APPN Configuration Command Summary

Table 5. APPN Configuration Command Summary
 Command   Function   See page: 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Enable/Disable   Enables/disables the following:   "Enable/Disable" 


 Dependent LU Requestor    

 Port port name    
Set  Sets the following:    

 Node   Table 6 

 Traces   Table 11 

 HPR   Table 7 

 DLUR   Table 9 

 Management   Table 17 

 Tuning   Table 10 
Add  Adds or updates the following:    

 Port port name   Table 19 

 Link-station link station name   Table 25 

 LU-Name LU name   Table 31 

 Connection-network connection network name   Connection Network - Detail 

 Additional-port-to-connection-network   Table 36 

 Mode   Table 35 

 Focal_point   Table 37 

 local-pu   Table 38 

 Routing_list   Table 39 

 COS_mapping_table   Table 40 
Delete  Deletes the following: 
  • Port port name
  • Link-station link station name
  • LU-Name LU name
  • Connection-network connection network name
  • Connection networks port interface (CN PORTIF) CN name
  • Mode mode name
  • Focal_point
  • local-pu
  • Routing_list
  • COS_mapping_table
 List   Lists the following from configuration memory: 
  • All
  • Node
  • Traces
  • Management
  • HPR
  • DLUR
  • Port port name
  • Link-station link name
  • LU-Name LU name
  • Mode mode name
  • Connection-network connection network name
  • Focal_point
  • Routing_list
  • COS_mapping_table
 Activate_new_config   Reads the configuration into non-volatile configuration memory.   "Activate_new_config" 
TN3270  Accesses the TN320E config> command prompt   "TN3270E" 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".

Note:APPN will respond to a dynamic reset command at the interface level.

APPN Configuration Command Detail


Use the enable/disable command to enable (or disable):



[or disable]

port port name


Use the set command to set:



You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Table 6. Configuration Parameter List - APPN Routing
Parameter Information

Enable APPN

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables the router as an APPN network node.

This parameter enables both APPN and HPR routing capability for this network node which consists of defining the Network ID and CP name for this node. APPN, however, must be enabled on the particular ports on which you desire to support APPN routing. Additionally, support for HPR must be enabled on the particular APPN ports desired and must be supported by the particular link stations on those ports.
Note:HPR only supported on LAN, Frame Relay and PPP direct DLC ports.

Network ID (required)

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9
Note:A network identifier for an existing network, of which this router network node is to become a member, using the special characters @, $, and # from the character set A, continues to be supported; however, these characters should not be used for new network IDs.

Default Value

This parameter specifies the name of the APPN network to which this network node belongs. The network ID must be the same for all network nodes in the APPN network. Attached APPN end nodes and LEN end nodes can have different network IDs.

Control point name (required)

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9
Note:An existing CP name that this node would be acquiring, using the special characters @, $, and # from the character set A, continues to be supported; however, these characters should not be used for new CP names.


This parameter specifies the name of the CP for this APPN network node. The CP is responsible for managing the APPN network node and its resources. The CP name is the logical name of the APPN network node in the network. The CP name must be unique within the APPN network identified by the Network ID parameter.

Enable branch extender or border node

Valid Values
0 (enable neither)

1 (enable branch extender)

2 (enable border node)


This parameter specifies whether branch extender function, border node function, or neither will be enabled on this node. If either function is enabled, appropriate additional questions will be asked.

Enable Branch Awareness Support

Valid Values
0 (Full), 1 (Partial), 2 (None)

0 (Full)

This parameter specifies whether you want to limit the flow of topology information regarding Branch Extender topology.

Full means that the node will broadcast all Branch Extender TGs into the network when they are learned.

Partial means that the node will not broadcast local Branch Extender topology, but will store and broadcast non-local Branch Extender topology.

None means that the node will not broadcast local Branch Extender topology and it will ignore any Branch Extender topology received from the network and the node will not store or broadcast non-local Branch Extender topology.

Permit search for unregistered LUs

Valid Values
Yes or No


This parameter specifies whether this node (when acting as an End Node) can be searched for LUs even if the LUs were not registered with the network node server of the Branch Extender. If yes is specified, this node can be searched for LUs.
Note:This question is asked only if Enable Branch Extender or Border Node parameter is set to branch extender.

Subnet visit count

Valid Values
1 -- 255


Specifies the node level default for the maximum number of subnetworks that a multi-subnetwork session may traverse. The default may be overridden as part of port, link, or routing list configuration.
Note:This is the first of the questions asked only if border node has been enabled.

Cache searches for (0-255) minutes

Valid Values
0 - 255


Specifies how many minutes the BN retains information in the multi-subnet search cache once the search terminates.

Maximum number of searches in cache

Valid Values
0 - 32765 (0=unlimited)


Specifies the maximum number of entries in the multi-network search cache. Once this limit is reached, the oldest entries are discarded.
Note:The primary mechanism for deletion of these entries is the cache search time value specified in cache searches for (0-255) minutes.

Dynamic routing list updates

Valid Values
0 (none) - No dynamic entries are added.

1 (full) - All native border nodes, all adjacent non-native border and network nodes, and nodes that know of similarly named destination LUs are added.

2 (limited) - All native border nodes, all adjacent non-native border nodes and network nodes with the same NETID, and nodes that know of similarly named destination LUs are added.


Indicates the degree to which, if any, that a BN can supplement configured routing list data with topology data learned by the operational code. This supplemental data is not saved in SRAM.

Enable routing list optimization

Valid Values
Yes or No


Indicates whether or not a BN may reorder the operational code's temporary copy of a subnetwork routing list so that entries that are more likely to be successful are found first.

Load balance across parallel inter-subnet boundaries

Valid Values
Yes or No


This parameter specifies whether the router should attempt to balance the number of sessions across two or more parallel inter-subnet exit points when it is functioning as an EBN. The relevant configuration has two or more IBM routers serving as EBN exit points in one subnet, with the same number in the other subnet. Each router has an inter-subnet TG to a different router in the other subnet, forming two or more parallel links. (Note that these are not parallel TGs between any two routers.)

To configure session load balancing among the parallel exit points:

  1. Set this parameter to yes.
  2. Configure routing lists (see ***) in each EBN router, so that sessions for different destination LU names have different preferred exit EBNs. You also configure the preferred inter-subnet boundary and can set backup paths.
  3. Configure the routing lists with dynamic routing list updates set to none, and Enable routing list optimization set to no.
Note:This is the last of the questions asked only if border node has been enabled.

Route addition resistance

Valid Values
0 to 255

Default Value

This parameter indicates the desirability of routing through this node. This parameter is used in the class of service based route calculation. Lower values indicate higher levels of desirability.

XID number for subarea connection (see table notes)

Valid Values
A string of 5 hexadecimal digits


This parameter specifies a unique ID number (identifier) for the network node. The XID number is combined with an ID block number (which identifies a specific product) to form an XID node identification. Node identifications are exchanged between adjacent nodes when the nodes are establishing a connection. The router network node automatically appends an ID block number to this parameter during the XID exchange to create an XID node identification.

The ID number you assign to this node must be unique within the APPN network identified by Network ID parameter. Contact your network administrator to verify that the ID number is unique.

Note:Node identifications are normally exchanged between T2.1 nodes during CP-CP session establishment. If the network node is communicating with the IBM Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM) product through a T2.1 LEN node and the LEN node has a CP name defined for it, the XID number parameter is not required. If the adjacent LEN node is not a T2.1 node or does not have an explicitly defined CP name, the XID number parameter must be specified to establish a connection with the LEN node. VTAM versions prior to Version 3 Release 2 do not allow CP names to be defined for LEN nodes.

Use enhanced BATCH COS

Valid Values
Yes or No


This parameter specifies whether to use the enhanced COS tables. The enhanced tables assign reasonable weights to ATM TGs based on cost, speed, and delay. For ATM, the order of preference is:
  • Campus Best Effort (SVC or PVC)/Reserved PVC (WAN or Campus)
  • Campus Reserved SVC
  • WAN Best Effort (SVC or PVC)
  • WAN Reserved SVC

Use enhanced BATCHSC COS

Valid Values
Yes or No


This parameter specifies whether to use the enhanced COS tables. The enhanced tables assign reasonable weights to ATM TGs based on cost, speed, and delay. For ATM, the order of preference is:
  • Campus Best Effort (SVC or PVC)/Reserved PVC (WAN or Campus)
  • Campus Reserved SVC
  • WAN Best Effort (SVC or PVC)
  • WAN Reserved SVC

Use enhanced INTER COS

Valid Values
Yes or No


This parameter specifies whether to use the enhanced COS tables. The enhanced tables assign reasonable weights to ATM TGs based on cost, speed, and delay. For ATM, the order of preference is:
  • Campus Reserved (SVC or PVC)
  • Campus Best Effort (SVC or PVC)/WAN reserved PVC
  • WAN Reserved SVC
  • WAN Best Effort (SVC or PVC)

Use enhanced INTERSC COS

Valid Values
Yes or No


This parameter specifies whether to use the enhanced COS tables. The enhanced tables assign reasonable weights to ATM TGs based on cost, speed, and delay. For ATM, the order of preference is:
  • Campus Reserved (SVC or PVC)
  • Campus Best Effort (SVC or PVC)/WAN reserved PVC
  • WAN Reserved SVC
  • WAN Best Effort (SVC or PVC)


high-performance routing

You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Table 7. Configuration Parameter List - High-Performance Routing (HPR)
Parameter Information

Maximum sessions for HPR connections

Valid Values
1 to 65 535

Default Value

This parameter specifies the maximum number of sessions allowed on an HPR connection. An HPR connection is defined by the class of service (COS), the physical path (TGs), and the network connection end points.

This parameter is applicable only when the router is the initiator of the BIND. If the number of sessions exceeds the specified value for this parameter, HPR will allocate another HPR (RTP) connection.

Table 8. Configuration Parameter List - HPR Timer and Retry Options
Parameter Information
Low transmission priority traffic

RTP inactivity timer

Valid Values
1 to 3600 seconds

Default Value
180 seconds

This parameter specifies RTP's inactivity interval for HPR connections that carry traffic with low transmission priority. This is an end-to-end version of the LLC inactivity timer, Ti. If no receptions occur during this interval, RTP transmits a poll. Idle periods are monitored to ensure the integrity of the connection.

Maximum RTP retries

Valid Values
0 to 10

Default Value

This parameter specifies the maximum number of retries before RTP initiates a path switch on an HPR connection that carries traffic with low transmission priority.

Path switch timer

Valid Values
0 to 7200 seconds

Default Value
180 seconds

This parameter specifies the maximum amount of time that a path switch may be attempted on an HPR connection carrying traffic with low transmission priority. A value of zero indicates that the path switch function is to be disabled, and a path switch will not be performed.

Medium transmission priority traffic

RTP inactivity timer

Valid Values
1 to 3600 seconds

Default Value
180 seconds

This parameter specifies RTP's inactivity interval for HPR connections that carry traffic with medium transmission priority. This is an end-to-end version of the LLC inactivity timer, Ti. If no receptions occur during this interval, RTP transmits a poll. Idle periods are monitored to ensure the integrity of the connection.

Maximum RTP retries

Valid Values
0 to 10

Default Value

This parameter specifies the maximum number of retries before RTP initiates a path switch on an HPR connection that carries traffic with medium transmission priority.

Path switch timer

Valid Values
0 to 7200 seconds

Default Value
180 seconds

This parameter specifies the maximum amount of time that a path switch may be attempted on an HPR connection carrying traffic with medium transmission priority. A value of zero indicates that the path switch function is to be disabled, and a path switch will not be performed.

High transmission priority traffic

RTP inactivity timer

Valid Values
1 to 3600 seconds

Default Value
180 seconds

This parameter specifies RTP's inactivity interval for HPR connections that carry traffic with high transmission priority. This is an end-to-end version of the LLC inactivity timer, Ti. If no receptions occur during this interval, RTP transmits a poll. Idle periods are monitored to ensure the integrity of the connection.

Maximum RTP retries

Valid Values
0 to 10

Default Value

This parameter specifies the maximum number of retries before RTP initiates a path switch on an HPR connection that carries traffic with high transmission priority.

Path switch timer

Valid Values
0 to 7200 seconds

Default Value
180 seconds

This parameter specifies the maximum amount of time that a path switch may be attempted on an HPR connection carrying traffic with high transmission priority. A value of zero indicates that the path switch function is to be disabled, and a path switch will not be performed.

Network transmission priority traffic

RTP inactivity timer

Valid Values
1 to 3600 seconds

Default Value
180 seconds

This parameter specifies RTP's inactivity interval for HPR connections that carry traffic with network transmission priority. This is an end-to-end version of the LLC inactivity timer, Ti. If no receptions occur during this interval, RTP transmits a poll. Idle periods are monitored to ensure the integrity of the connection.

Maximum RTP retries

Valid Values
0 to 10

Default Value

This parameter specifies the maximum number of retries before RTP initiates a path switch on an HPR connection that carries traffic with network transmission priority.

Path switch timer

Valid Values
0 to 7200 seconds

Default Value
180 seconds

This parameter specifies the maximum amount of time that a path switch may be attempted on an HPR connection carrying traffic with network transmission priority. A value of zero indicates that the path switch function is to be disabled, and a path switch will not be performed.



You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Table 9. Configuration Parameter List - Dependent LU Requester
Parameter Information

Enable dependent LU requester (DLUR) on this network node

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether a dependent LU requester is to be functionally enabled on this node.

Default fully-qualified CP name of primary DLUS (required when DLUR is enabled)

Valid Values
A string of up to 17 characters in the form of netID.CPname, where:
  • netID is a network ID from 1 to 8 characters
  • CPname is a CP name from 1 to 8 characters

Each name must conform to the following rules:

  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Note:An existing fully-qualified CP name, using the special characters @, $, and # from the character set A, continues to be supported; however, these characters should not be used for new CP names.

Default Value

This parameter specifies the fully-qualified control point (CP) name of the dependent LU server (DLUS) that is used by default. The default primary server may be overridden on a link station basis. The default server is used for incoming requests from downstream PUs when a primary DLUS has not been specified for the associated link station.

Default fully-qualified CP name of backup dependent LU server (DLUS)

Valid Values
A string of up to 17 characters in the form of netID.CPname, where:
  • netID is a network ID from 1 to 8 characters
  • CPname is a CP name from 1 to 8 characters

Each name must conform to the following rules:

  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Note:An existing fully-qualified CP name, using the special characters @, $, and # from the character set A, continues to be supported; however, these characters should not be used for new CP names.

Default Value

This parameter specifies the fully-qualified CP name of the dependent LU server (DLUS) that is used as the default backup. A backup is not required, and the null value (representing no entry) indicates the absence of a default backup server. The default backup server may be overridden on a link station basis.

Perform retries to restore disrupted pipe

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether DLUR will attempt to reestablish the pipe to a DLUS after a pipe failure. If DLUR receives a non-disruptive UNBIND and this parameter is No, DLUR waits indefinitely for a DLUS to reestablish the broken pipe. If the pipe fails for any other reason and this parameter is No, DLUR attempts to reach the primary DLUS once. If this is unsuccessful, DLUR attempts to reach the backup DLUS. If this attempt also fails, DLUR waits indefinitely for a DLUS to reestablish the pipe.

See "DLUR Retry Algorithm" for a description of the retry algorithm.

Delay before initiating retries

Valid Values
0 to 2 756 000 seconds

Default Value
120 seconds

This parameter specifies an amount of time for two different cases when the pipe between the DLUR and its DLUS is broken.
  • For the case of receiving a non-disruptive UNBIND:
    This parameter specifies the amount of time the DLUR must wait before attempting to reach the primary DLUS.
    A value of 0 indicates immediate retry by the DLUR.
  • For all other cases of pipe failure:
    The DLUR will try the primary DLUS and then the backup DLUS immediately. If this fails, DLUR will wait for the amount of time specified by the minimum of the short retry timer and this parameter before attempting to reach the primary DLUS.

See "DLUR Retry Algorithm" for a complete description of the retry algorithm.

Perform short retries to restore disrupted pipe

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value
If Perform retries to restore disrupted pipes is Yes, then the default value is Yes. Otherwise, the default is No.

See "DLUR Retry Algorithm" for a complete description of the retry algorithm.

Short retry timer

Valid Values
0 to 2 756 000 seconds

Default Value
120 seconds

In all cases of pipe failure other than non-disruptive UNBIND, the minimum of Delay before initiating retries and this parameter specifies the amount of time DLUR will wait before attempting to reach the primary DLUS after an attempt to establish this connection has failed.

See "DLUR Retry Algorithm" for a complete description of the retry algorithm.

Short retry count

Valid Values
0 to 65 535

Default Value

In all cases of pipe failure other than non-disruptive UNBIND, this parameter specifies the number of times the DLUR will attempt to perform short retries to reach the DLUS after an attempt to establish this connection has failed.

See "DLUR Retry Algorithm" for a complete description of the retry algorithm.

Perform long retries to restore disrupted pipe

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value
If Perform retries to restore disrupted pipes is Yes, then the default value is Yes. Otherwise, the default is No

See "DLUR Retry Algorithm" for a complete description of the retry algorithm.

Long retry timer

Valid Values
0 to 2 756 000 seconds

Default Value
300 seconds

This parameter specifies the time DLUR will wait when performing long retries.

See "DLUR Retry Algorithm" for a complete description of the retry algorithm.

Take down the dependent link when there is no session

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether the router should deactivate the link to a dependent PU when the PU is deactivated and there are no active LU-LU sessions on it.

Set this parameter to yes if you have an older SNA product that doesn't support receiving ACTPU following a DACTPU, without an intervening link deactivation. Such a product would appear hung after a deactivate/activate sequence.



You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].
Note:You will have to re-boot in order for the changes you specify to take place.

Table 10. Configuration Parameter List - APPN Node Tuning
Parameter Information

Maximum number of adjacent nodes

Valid Values
1 to 8 000


This parameter is an estimate of the maximum number of nodes that you expect to be logically adjacent to this router network node at any one time.

This parameter is used along with the Maximum number of ISR sessions parameter by the automatic tuning algorithm to calculate the values for the Maximum shared memory and Maximum cached directory entries tuning parameters.

This parameter is configurable using the Configuration Program only.

Maximum number of network nodes sharing the same APPN network id

Valid Values
10 to 8 000


This parameter is an estimate of the maximum number of nodes that you expect in the subnetwork (that is, in the topology known by this node).

This parameter is configurable using the Configuration Program only.

Maximum number of TGs connecting network nodes with the same APPN network id

Valid Values
9 to 64 000

3 times the value of the maximum number of network nodes in the subnetwork.

This parameter is an estimate of the maximum number of TGs connecting network nodes in the subnetwork (that is, in the topology known by this node).

This parameter is configurable using the Configuration Program only.

Maximum number of ISR sessions

Valid Values
10 to 60 000

Default Value

This parameter specifies an estimate of the maximum number of intermediate session routing sessions (ISR) expected to be supported by this router network node at any one time.

This parameter is used in conjunction with the Maximum number of adjacent nodes parameter by the automatic tuning algorithm to calculate the values for the Maximum shared memory and Maximum cached directory entries tuning parameters.

This parameter is configurable using the Configuration Program only.

Percent of adjacent nodes with CP-CP sessions using HPR

Valid Values
0 to 100%

Default Value
0 (none)

This parameter specifies an estimate of the maximum number of adjacent EN and NN, with CP-CP sessions using option set 1402 (Control Flows over RTP option set).

This parameter is configurable using the Configuration Program only.

Maximum percent of ISR sessions using HPR data connections

Valid Values
0 to 100 percent

0 percent

This parameter specifies the largest percentage of ISR sessions that use ISR to HPR mappings.

This parameter is configurable using the Configuration Program only.

Percent adjacent nodes that function as DLUR PU nodes

Valid Values
0 to 100 percent

0 percent

This parameter specifies the largest percentage of adjacent nodes allowed to function as adjacent DLUR PU nodes.

This parameter is configurable using the Configuration Program only.

Maximum percent ISR sessions used by DLUR LUs

Valid Values
0 to 100 percent

0 percent

This parameter specifies the largest percentage of ISR sessions used by DLUR LUs.

This parameter is configurable using the Configuration Program only.

Maximum number of ISR accounting memory buffers

Valid Values
0 or 1

Default Value
0 (default is 1 if ISR session accounting is enabled)

This parameter specifies a maximum number of buffers to be reserved for ISR session accounting.

This parameter is configurable using the Configuration Program only.

Maximum memory records per ISR accounting buffer

Valid Values
0 to 2000

Default Value

This parameter specifies a maximum number of memory records per ISR accounting buffer.

This parameter is configurable using the Configuration Program only.

Override tuning algorithm

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

When enabled, this parameter overrides the tuning calculations generated by the tuning input parameters and enables you to specify explicit values for the Maximum shared memory parameter, the percent buffer memory parameter, and the Maximum cached directory entries parameter.

This parameter is configurable using the Configuration Program only.

Number of local-pus for TN3270E support

Valid Values

Default Value

This parameter specifies the number of local PUs that are available for TN3270 support.

This parameter is configurable using the Configuration Program only.

Total number of LUs for TN3270E

Valid Values

Default Value

This parameter specifies the total number of LUs available for TN3270E support.

This parameter is configurable using the Configuration Program only.

Maximum shared memory

Valid Values
0 - 16 777 215 KB

Default Value
Auto-configured (configure based on installed memory)

This parameter specifies the amount of shared memory within the router that is allocated to the APPN network node. APPN uses its shared memory allocation to perform network operations and to maintain required tables and directories.

You can either input a value in Kilobytes, or select to have the router pick a reasonable general purpose default value at boot time based on its installed memory. Note that the default value the router chooses is not based on the size of the APPN configuration. Default values assume you are running a medium-size APPN or TN3270 network, and some other non-trivial routing function. The default value may not fit if you also configure another extremely memory-intensive router function.

As you select the auto-configured value from the command-line prompt, you can see what this value will be if you boot the configuration on the router you are using. If you select this value from the Configuration Program, you must download and activate the configuration before you can see what the result will be.

This parameter is configurable using the Configuration Program and from the command line.

Percent of APPN shared memory to be used for buffers

Valid Values
5 to 50

11% or 512 Kilobytes, whichever is larger.

This parameter specifies the amount of shared memory that APPN will use for buffers.

You can allow APPN to have a 4KB RU size by setting maximum shared memory to at least 1 MB, and setting percent of APPN shared memory used for buffers to a sufficiently large value to allow at least 1 MB of memory to be available to the buffer manager.

This parameter is configurable using the Configuration Program and from the command line.

Maximum cached directory entries

Valid Values
0 to 65 535


This parameter specifies the number of directory entries to be stored or cached by the router network node. If a directory entry for a node is cached, the router does not need to broadcast a search request to locate the node. This reduces the time it takes to initiate sessions with the node.

This parameter is configurable using the Configuration Program and from the command line.



You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Table 11. Configuration Parameter List - Trace Setup Questions
Parameter Information

Turn all trace flags off

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables trace flags.

Edit Node-Level Traces

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. See Table 12 for the set of questions you will be asked if this option is enabled.

Edit Interprocess Signals

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. See Table 13 for the set of questions you will be asked if this option is enabled.

Edit Module Entry and Exit

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. See Table 14 for the set of questions you will be asked if this option is enabled.

Edit General

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. See Table 15 for the set of questions you will be asked if this option is enabled.

Table 12. Configuration Parameter List - Node Level Traces
Parameter Information

Process management

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, the trace option causes the router trace facility to gather data about the management of processes within the APPN network node, including the creation and termination of processes, processes entering a wait state, and the posting of processes.

Process to process communication

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, the trace option causes the router trace facility to gather data about messages exchanged between processes in the APPN network node, including the queuing and receipt of such messages.


Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, the trace option causes the router trace facility to gather data about locks that were obtained and released on processes in the APPN network node.

Miscellaneous tower activities

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, the trace option causes the router trace facility to gather data about miscellaneous activities within the APPN network node.

I/O to and from the system

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, the trace option causes the router trace facility to gather data about the flow of messages entering and exiting the APPN network node.

Storage management

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, the trace option causes the router trace facility to gather data about any shared memory that was obtained and released by the APPN network node.

Queue data type management

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, the trace option causes the router trace facility to gather data about all calls in the APPN network node that manage general purpose queues.

Table data type management

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, the trace option causes the router trace facility to gather data about all calls in the APPN network node that manage general purpose tables, including calls to add table entries and calls to query tables for specific entries.

Buffer management

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, the trace option causes the router trace facility to gather data about buffers in the APPN network node that were obtained and released.

Configuration control

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, the trace option causes the router trace facility to gather data about the activities of the configuration control component of the APPN network node. The configuration control component manages information about node resources.

Timer service

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, the trace option causes the router trace facility to gather data about requests for timer service from the APPN network node.

Service provider management

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, the trace option causes the router trace facility to gather data about the definition and enabling or disabling of services within the APPN network node.

Inter-process message segmenting

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, the trace option causes the router trace facility to gather data about the buffer transfer and freeing of chained messages within the APPN network node.

Control of processes outside scope of this tower

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, the trace option causes the router trace facility to gather data about the definition and activation of processes external to this APPN network node, such as when the node operator facility (NOF) defines the external process configuration control.

Monitoring existence of processes, services, towers

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, the trace option causes the router trace facility to gather data about requests that start or stop the monitoring of processes or services within the APPN network node.

Distributed environment control

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, the trace option causes the router trace facility to gather data about requests within the APPN network node that define subsystems and create environments.

Process to service dialogs

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this trace option causes the router trace facility to gather data about all calls within the APPN network node that open, close, or send data on a dialog.

AVL Tree Support

Valid Values
Yes, No


This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, the trace option causes the router trace facility to gather data about all calls that manage AVL trees.

Table 13. Configuration Parameter List - Inter-process Signals Traces
Parameter Information

Address space manager

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about inter-process signals from the address space manager component.

Attach manager

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about inter-process signals from the attach manager component.

Configuration services

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about inter-process signals from the configuration services component.

Dependent LU requester

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about inter-process signals from the dependent LU requester component.

Directory services

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about inter-process signals from the directory services component.

Half Session

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about inter-process signals from the half session component.

HPR Path Control

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about inter-process signals from the HPR path control component.


Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about inter-process signals from the LUA RUI component.

Management Services

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about inter-process signals from the management services component.

Node Operator Facility

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about inter-process signals from the node operator facility component.

Path Control

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about inter-process signals from the path control component.

Presentation Services

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about inter-process signals from the presentation services component.

Resource manager

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about inter-process signals from the resource manager component.

Session connector manager

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about inter-process signals from the session connector manager component.

Session connector

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about inter-process signals from the session connector component.

Session manager

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about inter-process signals from the session manager component.

Session services

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about inter-process signals from the session services component.

Topology and routing services

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about inter-process signals from the topology and routing services component.

Table 14. Configuration Parameter List - Module Entry and Exit Traces
Parameter Information

Attach manager

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about module entry and exit information from the attach manager component.

Half session

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about module entry and exit information from the half session component.


Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about module entry and exit information from the LUA RUI component.

Node operator facility

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about module entry and exit information from the node operator facility component.

Presentation services

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about module entry and exit information from the presentation services component.

Rapid transport protocol

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about module entry and exit information from the rapid transport control component.

Resource manager

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about module entry and exit information from the resource manager component.

Session manager

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about module entry and exit information from the session manager component.

Table 15. Configuration Parameter List - General Component Level Traces
Parameter Information

Accounting services

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about general information from the accounting services component.

Address space manager

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about general information from the address space manager component.

Architected transaction programs

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about general information from the architected transaction programs component.

Configuration services

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about general information from the configuration services component.

Dependent LU requester

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about general information from the dependent LU requester component.

Directory services

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about general information from the directory services component.

HPR path control

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about general information from the HPR path control component.


Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about general information from the LUA RUI component.

Management services

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about general information from the management services component.

Node operator facility

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about general information from the node operator facility component.

Path control

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about general information from the path control component.

Problem determination services

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about general information from the problem determination component.

Rapid transport protocol

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about general information from the rapid transport control component.

Session connector manager

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about general information from the session connector manager component.

Session connector

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about general information from the session connector component.

Session services

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about general information from the session services component.

SNMP subagent

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about general information from the SNMP subagent component.

TN3270E Server

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about general information from the TN3270E Server component.

Topology and routing services

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables this APPN trace option. When enabled, this parameter informs the trace facility to include trace data about general information from the topology and routing services component.

Table 16. Configuration Parameter List - Miscellaneous Traces
Parameter Information

Data link control transmissions and receptions

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

If this parameter is enabled, the APPN trace facility will trace all XIDs and PIUs transmitted and received by the APPN node.

Trace RTP Headers

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

If this parameter is enabled, the APPN trace facility will trace all headers of RTP flows. This option is available only if Data link control transmissions and receptions is yes.

Include payload in RTP trace

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

If this parameter is enabled, the APPN trace facility will trace the payload data in RTP flows. This option is available only if trace RTP headers is yes.

Filter the Data

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

If this parameter is enabled, the APPN trace facility will filter the trace data according to the way you answer the following questions.

Truncate the data

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

If this parameter is enabled, the APPN trace facility will truncate the trace data. You will be asked to specify the length to trace

Length to trace

Valid Values
1 - 3600

Default Value

This parameter specifies the number of bytes of trace data to accumulate.

Trace Locates

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

If this parameter is enabled, the APPN trace facility will trace locates.

Trace TDUs

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

If this parameter is enabled, the APPN trace facility will trace topology data updates.

Trace route setups

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

If this parameter is enabled, the APPN trace facility will trace route setups.

Trace CP Capabilities

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

If this parameter is enabled, the APPN trace facility will trace CP Capabilities.

Trace Session Control

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

If this parameter is enabled, the APPN trace facility will trace session control traffic.

Trace XIDs

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

If this parameter is enabled, the APPN trace facility will trace XIDs.



You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Table 17. Configuration Parameter List - APPN Node Management
Parameter Information

Collect intermediate session information

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether the APPN node should collect data on intermediate sessions passing through this node (session counters and session characteristics). The data is captured in SNMP MIB variables for APPN.

Save RSCV information for intermediate sessions

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether the APPN node should save the Route Selection control vector (RSCV) for an intermediate session. The data is captured in an associated SNMP MIB variable for APPN.

The session RSCV is carried in the BIND request used to activate a session between two LUs. It describes the optimum route through an APPN network for a particular LU-LU session. The session RSCV contains the CP names and TG associated with each pair of adjacent nodes along a route from an origin node to a destination node.

Create intermediate session records

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables the creation of data records for intermediate sessions passing through this node. The records contain information about session counters and session characteristics. RSCV information is also included in the data records if the Save RSCV information for intermediate sessions parameter is enabled.

If this parameter is set to yes, the setting of collect intermediate session information is overridden.

Record creation threshold

Valid Values
0 to 4 294 967, in 1-KB increments

Default Value

This parameter specifies a byte threshold for creating intermediate session records. When session data exceeds the value in this byte counter by an even multiple, a record is created.

Held alert queue size

Valid Values
0 -- 255

Default Value

This parameter sets the size of the configurable held alert queue. This queue is used to save APPN alerts prior to sending them to a focal point. If the queue overflows, the oldest alerts are discarded.

Table 18. Configuration Parameter List - APPN ISR Recording Media
Parameter Information
Memory Parameters

Memory (see table notes)

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter enables or disables the collection of intermediate session data in the router's local memory.

Maximum memory buffers

Valid Values
0 to 1

Default Value

This parameter specifies the number of buffers to be allocated in the router's local memory for storing intermediate session records.

Maximum memory records per buffer

Valid Values
0 to 2000

Default Value

This parameter specifies the maximum number of intermediate session records that may be stored in the memory buffer on the router.

Memory buffers full

Valid Values
Stop recording (0), Wrap (1)

Default Value
Stop recording (0)

This parameter specifies the action to take when the memory buffer allocated to store intermediate session records becomes full. Select Stop recording to instruct the router to discard any new intermediate session records. Select Wrap to allow new records to overwrite existing records in the buffer. The oldest records in the buffer are overwritten first.

Memory record format

Valid Values
ASCII (0), Binary (1)

Default Value

This parameter specifies the format in which intermediate session records are to be stored in the router's local memory.

Topology safe store

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether the topology data base is to be saved on the hardfile.

Time between database updates

Valid Values
60 -- 1440 minutes

Default Value

This parameter sets the time in minutes between topology database updates.

  • When you enable the collection of intermediate session records, the data associated with the records also is collected, by default, in SNMP
  • MIB variables for APPN. The MIB variables are updated, in this case, whether or not the Collect intermediate session information parameter (in Table 17) has been enabled.
  • Intermediate session data can be stored in router memory.


Use the add command to add or update:



You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Table 19. Configuration Parameter List - Port Configuration
Parameter Information

Link type

Valid Values
Ethernet (E)

Token ring (T)


DLSw (D)


Frame relay (F)


X.25 (X)

MPC+ (M)



Default Value

This parameter specifies the type of link associated with this port.

Interface number

Valid Values
0 to 65 533

Default Value

This parameter defines the physical interface number of the hardware interface to which this device is attached.

Port name

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters, where the first character is alphabetic and the 2nd through 8th characters are alphanumeric.

Default Value
A unique unqualified name that is automatically generated.

The name will consist of:

  • TR (token-ring)
  • EN (Ethernet)
  • DLS (DLSw)
  • IP255
  • ATM
  • FR (Frame Relay)
  • X25 (X.25)
  • PPP (point-to-point)
  • MPC
  • FDD (FDDI)
  • IP

followed by the interface number.

You can change the port name to a name of your choice.

This parameter specifies the name representing this port.

Enable APPN routing on this port

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether APPN routing is to be enabled on this port.

Support multiple PU

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether the port will support multiple subarea.

Service any node

Valid Values
Yes No

Default Value

This parameter specifies how the router network node responds to a request from another node to establish a connection over this port. When this parameter is enabled, the network node accepts any request it receives from another node to establish a connection. When this parameter is disabled, the network node accepts connection requests only from nodes that you explicitly define (via link station definitions). This option provides an added level of security for the router network node.
Note:When you disable this parameter, a connection request from an adjacent node will be accepted only if the node's fully-qualified CP name parameter has been configured for a link station defined on this port.

When this parameter is enabled (the default), you may still want this network node to be able to initiate connections with specific nodes over this port.

Treat non-configured callers as LEN nodes

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether APPN should treat dynamic Network Node callers that do not request CP-CP sessions as LEN nodes. It is applicable only if service any node is yes.

If this parameter is yes:

  • the router treats the adjacent node as a LEN node regardless of the node type in the received XID3
  • the router sends XID3s stating that the router is a LEN node (an EN with no CP-CP session and no HPR support)

High-performance routing (HPR) supported

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value
Yes for token-ring, Ethernet, Frame Relay, FDDI, and PPP ports.

This parameter indicates whether link stations on this port will support HPR. This value may be overridden on the link station definition.

IPv4 Precedence

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter sets the IPv4 precedence value, which allows BRS precedence filtering of IPv4 encapsulated packets.

Limited Resource ( PPP and FR over dial circuits only)

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value
If the dial circuit is dial on demand, the default is Yes. Otherwise, the default is No.

This parameter specifies whether link stations on this port are a limited resource. This value may be overridden on the link station definition.

Support bridged formatted frames (Frame relay only)

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether the Frame Relay port will support bridged formatted frames.

If you are configuring Frame Relay to support bridged format, you will also need to configure a boundary node identifier.

Boundary node identifier (Frame Relay only)

Valid Values
X'0000 0000 0001' to X'7FFF FFFF FFFF'

Default Value
X'4FFF 0000 0000'

This parameter specifies the boundary node identifier MAC address. The router uses this MAC address to recognize that the frame is a Frame Relay bridged frame destined for APPN.

Subnet visit count

Valid Values
1 - 255

Default Value
Default taken from the equivalent node level parameter

This parameter specifies this port's default for the maximum number of subnetworks that a multi-subnet session may traverse.
Note:This question is asked only if the border node function is enabled on this node.

Adjacent node subnet affiliation

Valid Values
  • 0 (native)
  • 1 (non-native)
  • 2 (negotiable)

Default Value

This parameter specifies the default for all links through this port as to whether the adjacent node is in this node's native APPN subnetwork or in a non-native APPN subnetwork. A value of 2 instructs the node to negotiate at link activation time to determine whether the adjacent link station is native or non-native.
Note:This question is asked only if the border node function is enabled on this node.

Table 20. Configuration Parameter List - Port Configuration for ATM
Parameter Information

Local ATM Address

Valid Values
Any 14-hexadecimal character string

Default Value

This parameter specifies the 7-byte string that comprises the user part of the local ATM address. The user part is the 6-byte ESI and the 1-byte selector field. This user-part must be unique with respect to the network part of the ATM address, which is retrieved from the ATM adapter. The selector must be unique for each protocol type.

Enable incoming calls

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter determines whether calls will be rejected at the ATM level.

ATM Network Type

Valid Values
Campus or Widearea

Default Value

This parameter specifies the network type used for default values for connection networks and other link stations defined on this port.

Shareable connection network traffic

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether connection network traffic can be routed on the ATM VC set up for a link station on this port.

Shareable other protocol traffic

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether other higher level protocol traffic can be routed on the ATM VC set up for a link station on this port.

Broadband Bearer Class

Valid Values
Class_A, Class_C, Class_X

Default Value

This parameter specifies the bearer class requested from the ATM network. The classes are defined:

Class A
Constant bit rate (CBR) with end-to-end timing requirements

Class C
Variable bit rate (VBR) with no end-to-end timing requirements

Class X
Service allowing user-defined traffic type and timing requirements

Best Effort Indicator

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter indicates if a throughput guarantee is required on this SVC. If the value of this parameter is yes, then VCCs associated with this interface will be allocated based upon the available bandwidth.

Note:The following parameters are forward traffic parameters.

Forward Traffic Peak Cell Rate

Valid Values
1 - 85% of line speed

Default Value
Port's Default Effective Capacity/48

This parameter indicates an upper bound on the cell transmission rate.

Forward Traffic Sustained Cell Rate

Valid Values
1 - 85% of line speed

Default Value
Port's Default Effective Capacity/48

This parameter indicates an upper bound on the average cell transmission rate. You cannot specify this parameter if you are using a Best Effort connection.

Forward Traffic Tagging

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter indicates that cells that are nonconforming to cell loss priority 0 traffic specification but are conforming to cell loss priority 1 traffic specification are marked and allowed into the ATM network. You cannot specify this parameter if you are using a Best Effort connection.

Forward QoS

Valid Values
CLASS_0, CLASS_1, CLASS_2, CLASS_3, CLASS_4, where

The unspecified class. The network does not specify any QoS.

Performance is comparable to current digital private line performance.

Intended for packetized video and audio in teleconferencing and multimedia applications.

Intended for interoperation of connection-oriented protocols, such as Frame Relay.

Intended for interoperation of connectionless protocols, such as IP.

Default Value

This parameter indicates which class of service is provided to an ATM virtual connection. This parameter is always CLASS_0 for a Best Effort connection.

Note:The following parameters are backward traffic parameters.

Backward Traffic Peak Cell Rate

Valid Values
1 - 85% of line speed

Default Value
Port's Default Effective Capacity/48

This parameter indicates an upper bound on the cell transmission rate.

Backward Traffic Sustained Cell Rate

Valid Values
1 - 85% of line speed

Default Value
Port's Default Effective Capacity/48

This parameter indicates an upper bound on the average cell transmission rate. You cannot specify this parameter for a Best Effort connection.

Backward Traffic Tagging

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value
Yes, unless Best Effort connection

This parameter indicates that cells that are nonconforming to cell loss priority 0 traffic specification but are conforming to cell loss priority 1 traffic specification are marked and allowed into the ATM network. You cannot specify this parameter for a Best Effort connection.

Backward QoS

Valid Values
CLASS_0, CLASS_1, CLASS_2, CLASS_3, CLASS_4, where

The unspecified class. The network does not specify any QoS.

Performance is comparable to current digital private line performance.

Intended for packetized video and audio in teleconferencing and multimedia applications.

Intended for interoperation of connection-oriented protocols, such as Frame Relay.

Intended for interoperation of connectionless protocols, such as IP.

Default Value

This parameter indicates which class of service is provided to an ATM virtual connection. You cannot specify this parameter for a Best Effort connection.

Callout Anonymously

Valid Values
Yes, no

Default Value

This parameter indicates whether APPN will pass the source address when making the call.

LDLC retry count

Valid Values
1 -- 255

Default Value

This parameter is used in conjunction with the LDLC timer period to provide reliable delivery of XIDs. The retry count is initialized when a command or request is first transmitted over the link. If the LDLC timer period expires before a response is received, the command or request is retransmitted, the retry count is decremented, and the LDLC timer period is restarted. If the timer expires with the retry count at 0, the link is assumed to be inoperative.

LDLC Timer Period

Valid Values
1 -- 255 seconds

Default Value
For ATM:1 second

For IP: 15 seconds

This parameter specifies the timer period used with the LDLC retry count.

Table 21. Configuration Parameter List - Port Definition
Parameter Information

Maximum BTU size

Valid Values
768 to 1496 bytes for Ethernet

768 to 17 745 bytes for token-ring

768 to 17 745 bytes for FDDI

768 to 4096 bytes for ATM

768 to 4096 bytes for IP

768 to 8136 bytes for Frame Relay

768 to 8132 bytes for Frame Relay over ISDN and V.25 bis

768 to 4086 bytes for PPP

768 to 4082 bytes for PPP over ISDN and V.25 bis

X.25 will take value from network level

768 to 32 768 bytes for MPC+

768 to 2048 bytes for all other ports

Default Value
1289 bytes for Ethernet

2048 bytes for token-ring

2048 bytes for FDDI

2048 for ATM

1469 bytes for IP

2048 bytes for Frame Relay or PPP

2044 bytes for Frame Relay or PPP over ISDN and V.25 bis

2048 bytes for SDLC

X.25 will take value from network level

2048 bytes for MPC+

This parameter specifies the number of bytes in the largest basic transmission unit (BTU) that can be processed (transmitted or received) by a link station defined on this port.
Note:If a negotiable BIND with an RU size greater than 2048 is received, the device will normally choose a maximum RU size of 2048. If a non-negotiable BIND with an RU size greater than 2048 is received, the device will support the larger RU size up to a maximum size of 4096.

MPC+ Sequencing Interval Timer

Valid Values
1 -- 300 (tenths of a second)

Default Value

This parameter specifies the timer used when defining the MPC+ interface.

Maximum number of link stations

Valid Values
1 to 127 for SDLC ports

1 to 65 535 for all other ports

Default Value

If SDLC is configured as multipoint and primary, then this parameter defaults to 127.

This parameter specifies the maximum number of link stations that will be allowed to use this port. This parameter allows the resources for the APPN node and this port to be constrained.

Percent of link stations reserved for incoming calls (Ethernet, token-ring, FR, X.25 only)

Valid Values
0 to 100

The sum of the percent of link stations reserved for incoming calls and the percent of link stations reserved for outgoing calls cannot exceed 100%.

Default Value

This parameter specifies the percentage of the maximum number of link stations that will be reserved for incoming calls. Link stations that are not reserved for incoming or outgoing calls are available for either purpose on a demand basis.

Percent of link stations reserved for outgoing calls

Valid Values
0 to 100

The sum of the percent of link stations reserved for incoming calls and the percent of link stations reserved for outgoing calls cannot exceed 100%. If SDLC primary and multipoint, then valid value is 100.

Default Value
0 If SDLC primary and multipoint, then default value is 100.

This parameter specifies the percentage of the maximum number of link stations that will be reserved for outgoing calls. Fractions resulting from the computation are truncated. Link stations that are not reserved for incoming or outgoing calls are available for either purpose on a demand basis.

UDP port number for XID exchange

Valid Values
1024 to 65 535

Default Value
11 000

This parameter specifies the UDP port number to be used for XID exchange and is used during IP port definition. This port number must be the same as the one defined on other devices in the network.

UDP port number for network priority traffic

Valid Values
1024 to 65 535

Default Value
11 001

This parameter specifies the UDP port number to be used for network priority traffic.

UDP port number for high priority traffic

Valid Values
1024 to 65 535

Default Value
11 002

This parameter specifies the UDP port number to be used for high priority traffic.

UDP port number for medium priority traffic

Valid Values
1024 to 65 535

Default Value
11 003

This parameter specifies the UDP port number to be used for medium priority traffic.

UDP port number for low priority traffic

Valid Values
1024 to 65 535

Default Value
11 004

This parameter specifies the UDP port number to be used for low priority traffic.

IP network type

Valid Values
Campus or Widearea

Default Value

This parameter specifies the IP network type.

Local APPN SAP address

Valid Values
Multiples of four in the hexadecimal range X'04' to X'EC'

Default Value

This parameter specifies the local SAP address to be used for communicating with APPN link stations defined on this port.

Local HPR SAP address (Ethernet and token-ring only)

Valid Values
Multiples of four in the hexadecimal range X'04' to X'EC'

Default Value

This parameter indicates the local service access point to be used for communicating with HPR link stations defined on this port.

Branch uplink

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter indicates whether the default for link stations using this port will be uplink or downlink. If yes is specified, link stations using this port will default Branch uplink to yes.


  1. This question is asked only if the node-level parameter Enabled Branch Extender is yes.

  2. If Branch uplink is yes, the Branch Extender will present its end node appearance to this link station. Otherwise, the Branch Extender will present its network node appearance.

  3. Typically, Branch uplink is yes for WAN-attached network nodes and is no for LAN-attached end nodes.

Table 22. Configuration Parameter List - Port Default TG Characteristics
Parameter Information

Cost per connect time

Valid Values
0 to 255

Default Value


Campus ATM best effort

Campus ATM reserved

WAN ATM best effort

WAN ATM reserved


Campus ATM best effort

Campus ATM reserved

WAN ATM best effort

WAN ATM reserved

For IP: 0 for Campus and WAN

For all other: 0

This parameter specifies the cost per connect time TG characteristic for all link stations on this port.

The cost per connect time TG characteristic expresses the relative cost of maintaining a connection over the associated TG. The units are user-defined and are typically based on the applicable tariffs of the transmission facility being used. The assigned values should reflect the actual expense of maintaining a connection over the TG relative to all other TGs in the network. A value of zero means that connections over the TG may be made at no additional cost (as in the case of many non-switched facilities). Higher values represent higher costs.

Cost per byte

Valid Values
0 to 255

Default Value

For ATM SVCs and ATM PVCs:

Campus ATM best effort

Campus ATM reserved

WAN ATM best effort

WAN ATM reserved

For IP: 0 for Campus and WAN

For all other: 0

This parameter specifies the cost per byte TG characteristic for all link stations defined on this port.

The cost per byte TG characteristic expresses the relative cost of transmitting a byte over the associated TG. The units are user-defined and the assigned value should reflect the actual expenses incurred for transmitting over the TG relative to all other TGs in the network. A value of zero means that bytes may be transmitted over the TG at no additional cost. Higher values represent higher costs.


Valid Values

all else (for example, satellite-connected, or located in a nonsecure country).

Public switched network
secure in the sense that route is not predetermined

Underground cable
located in secure country (as determined by the network administrator)

Secure conduit
Not guarded, (for example, pressurized pipe)

Guarded conduit
protected against physical tapping

link-level encryption is provided

Guarded radiation
guarded conduit containing the transmission medium; protected against physical and radiation tapping

Default Value

For ATM SVCs and ATM PVCs:

Campus ATM best effort

Campus ATM reserved

WAN ATM best effort
Public switched network

WAN ATM reserved
Public switched network

For IP:


Public switched network

For all other: Nonsecure

This parameter specifies the security TG characteristic for all link stations defined on this port. The security TG characteristic indicates the level of security protection associated with the TG. If security attributes other than the architecturally-defined ones are needed, one of the user-defined TG characteristics may be used to specify additional values.

Propagation delay

Valid Values

Minimum LAN
less than 480 microseconds

between .48 and 49.152 milliseconds

Packet switched
between 49.152 and 245.76 milliseconds

greater than 245.76 milliseconds maximum

Default Value

For ATM SVCs and ATM PVCs:

Campus ATM best effort

Campus ATM reserved
Minimum LAN

WAN ATM best effort
Packet switched

WAN ATM reserved

For IP:


Packet switched

This parameter specifies the propagation delay TG characteristic for all link stations defined on this port. The propagation delay TG characteristic specifies the approximate range for the length of time that it takes for a signal to propagate from one end of the TG to the other.

Effective capacity

Valid Values
2 hexadecimal digits in the range X'00' to X'FF'

Default Value
  FR=X'45' (64 kbps)
 PPP=X'45' (64 kbps)
DLSw=X'75' (4 Mbps)
SDLC=X'45' (64 kbps)
 X.25=X'45' (64 kbps)
Token ring: X'75' when minimum is 4 Mbps
Token ring: X'85' when minimum is 16 Mbps
Ethernet/802.3 ports: X'80' for 10 Mbps
100Mbps TR: X'9A'
100Mbps Ethernet: X'9A'
MPC+: X'9F'

For ATM SVCs (155 Mbps) and ATM SVCs (155Mbps):

Campus ATM best effort: X'9F'

Campus ATM reserved: X'9F'

WAN ATM best effort: X'9F'

WAN ATM reserved: X'9F'

For IP:

Campus: X'75'

WAN: X'43'

This parameter specifies the effective capacity TG characteristic for all associated connections (TGs) on this port.

This parameter specifies the maximum bit transmission rate for both physical links and logical links. Note that the effective capacity for a logical link may be less than the physical link speed. The rate is represented in COS files as a floating-point number encoded in a single byte with units of 300 bps. The effective capacity is encoded as a single-byte representation. The values X'00' and X'FF' are special cases used to denote minimum and maximum capacities. The range of the encoding is very large; however, only 256 values in the range may be specified.

This parameter provides the default value for the Effective capacity parameter on the Modify TG Characteristics Command Line option. The Modify TG Characteristics Command Line option enables you to override the .* default values assigned to TG characteristics on the individual link stations you define.

First user-defined TG characteristic

Valid Values
0 to 255

Default Value

This parameter specifies the first user-defined TG characteristic for all link stations defined on this port.

The first user-defined TG characteristic specifies the first of three additional characteristics that users can define to describe the TGs in a network. The default value of 128 allows a subset of TGs to be defined as more or less desirable than the rest without defining values for all TGs.

Second user-defined TG characteristic

Valid Values
0 to 255

Default Value

This parameter specifies the second user-defined TG characteristic for all link stations defined on this port.

The second user-defined TG characteristic specifies the second of three additional characteristics that users can define to describe the TGs in a network.

Third user-defined TG characteristic

Valid Values
0 to 255

Default Value

This parameter specifies the third user-defined TG characteristic for all link stations defined on this port.

The third user-defined TG characteristic specifies the third of three additional characteristics that users can define to describe the TGs in a network.

Table 23. Configuration Parameter List - Port default LLC Characteristics
Parameter Information


Valid Values
Multiples of four in the hexadecimal range of X'04' to X'EC'

Default Value

This parameter specifies the SAP associated with an adjacent node's APPN link station.

Maximum number of outstanding I-format LPDUs (TW)

Valid Values
1 to 127

Default Value

This parameter specifies the LLC maximum number of outstanding I-format LPDUs (TW) for all link stations on this port.

The maximum number of outstanding I-format LPDUs defines the transmit Command Line option (TW) which is the maximum number of sequentially numbered I-format LPDUs that the link station may have unacknowledged at any given time.

Receive window size

Valid Values
1 to 127

Default Value

This parameter specifies the LLC receive Command Line option size (RW) for all link stations on this port.

The RW parameter specifies the maximum number of unacknowledged sequentially numbered I-format LPDUs that the link station can receive from the remote link station. RW is advertised in SNA XID frames and IEEE 802.2 XID frames. The XID receiver should set its effective TW to a value less than or equal to the value of the received RW to avoid overruns.

Inactivity timer (Ti)

Valid Values
1 to 254 seconds

Default Value
30 seconds

This parameter specifies the LLC inactivity timer (Ti) for all link stations on this port.

An LLC link station uses Ti to detect an inoperative condition in either the remote link station or in the transmission media. If an LPDU is not received in the time interval specified by Ti, an S-format command LPDU with the poll bit set is transmitted to solicit remote link station status. Recovery is then based on the reply timer (T1).

Reply timer (T1)

Valid Values
1 to 254 seconds

Default Value
2 seconds

This parameter specifies the LLC reply timer (T1) for all link stations on this port.

An LLC link station uses T1 to detect a failure to receive a required acknowledgment or response from the remote link station. When T1 expires, the link station sends an S-format command link layer protocol data unit (LPDU) with the poll bit set to solicit remote link station status or any U-format command LPDUs that have not been responded to. The duration of T1 should take into account any delays introduced by underlying layers.

Maximum number of retransmissions (N2)

Valid Values
1 to 254

Default Value

This parameter specifies the maximum number of retransmissions (N2) for all link stations on this port.

The N2 parameter specifies the maximum number of times an LPDU will be retransmitted following expiration of the reply timer (T1).

Receive acknowledgment timer (T2)

Valid Values
1 to 254, measured in tenths of a second

Default Value

This parameter specifies the LLC receiver acknowledgment timer (T2) for all link stations on this port.

The T2 parameter may be used with the N3 counter to reduce acknowledgment traffic. A link station uses T2 to delay the sending of an acknowledgment for a received I-format LPDU. T2 is started when an I-format LPDU is received, and reset when an acknowledgment is sent in an I-format or S-format LPDU. If T2 expires, the link station must send an acknowledgment as soon as possible. The value of T2 must be less than that of T1, to ensure that the remote link station will receive the delayed acknowledgment before its T1 expires.

Acknowledgments needed to increment working window

Valid Values
0 to 127

Default Value

When the working window (Ww) is not equal to the Maximum Transmit Window Size (Tw), this parameter is the number of transmitted I-format LPDUs that must be acknowledged before the working window can be incremented (by 1). When congestion is detected, by the loss of I-format LPDUs, Ww is set to 1.

Table 24. Configuration Parameter List - HPR Override Defaults
Parameter Information

Inactivity timer override for HPR (HPR Ti)

Valid Values
1 to 254 seconds

Default Value
2 seconds

This parameter specifies the LLC inactivity timer (HPR Ti) that is to be used for all link stations on this port supporting HPR when the HPR supported parameter is enabled on this port. This default overrides the value of the default LLC inactivity timer (Ti) parameter specified on the default LLC characteristics parameter.

Reply timer override for HPR (HPR T1)

Valid Values
1 to 254 seconds

Default Value
2 seconds

This parameter specifies the LLC reply timer (HPR T1) that is to be used for all link stations on this port supporting HPR when the HPR supported parameter is enabled on this port. This default overrides the value of the default LLC reply timer (T1) parameter specified on the default LLC characteristics parameter.

Maximum number of retransmissions for HPR (HPR N2)

Valid Values
1 to 254

Default Value

This parameter specifies the LLC maximum number of retransmissions (HPR N2) that is to be used for all link stations on this port supporting HPR when the HPR supported parameter is enabled on this port. This default overrides the value of the default LLC maximum number of retransmissions (N2) parameter specified on the default LLC Characteristics parameter.



You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Table 25. Configuration Parameter List - Link Station - Detail
Parameter Information

Does link support APPN function

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether this link station will support APPN function.

If the answer is no, questions concerning CP-CP sessions, security, encryption, CP name, adjacent node type, branch extender, and extended border node will not be asked and all of these functions will be disabled. Also, HPR will be disabled and no HPR questions will be asked.

Link station name (required)

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters :
  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Default Value

This parameter specifies the name of a link station that represents the TG (link) between the router network node and the adjacent node. The link station name must be unique within this network node.

Port name

Valid Values
A unique unqualified name that is automatically generated.

The name will consist of:

  • TR (token-ring)
  • EN (Ethernet)
  • DLS (DLSw)
  • FR (Frame Relay)
  • X25 (X.25)
  • PPP (point-to-point)
  • IP
  • FDD (FDDI)

followed by the interface number.

Default Value
The name of the port that this link station is defined on.

This parameter specifies the name representing the port this link station is defined on. The port must already have been configured for APPN.

Link type (X.25 and ATM only)

If limited resource = yes is configured for this link station, then the link type parameter defaults to a value of 1 (SVC) and is not configurable.

Valid Values
If PVC, then specify a logical channel number in the range of 1 - 4095
If SVC, then specify a DTE address that is variable length up to 15 digits

Default Value
0, unless it is a limited resource.

This parameter specifies whether the X.25 link is a PVC or SVC.

MAC address of adjacent node (required) (Ethernet, token-ring, DLSw, FR bridged format only)

Valid Values
Token-ring and DLSw ports:
  • 12 hexadecimal digits in the range X'000000000001' to X'7FFFFFFFFFFF'

Ethernet/802.3 ports:

  • 12 hexadecimal digits in the form X'xyxxxxxxxxxx' where:
    x is any hexadecimal digit
    y is a hexadecimal digit in the set {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, A, C, E}

Default Value

This parameter specifies the medium access control (MAC) layer address of the adjacent node. Different formats are used for token-ring and Ethernet/802.3.

Token-ring and DLSw ports:

The MAC address is specified in noncanonical form. In the noncanonical address format, the bit within each octet that is to be transmitted first is represented as the most significant bit.

Ethernet/802.3 ports:

The MAC address is specified in canonical form. In the canonical address format, the bit within each octet that is to be transmitted first is represented as the least significant bit.

IP address of adjacent node (Enterprise Extender only)

Valid Values
Any valid IP address

Default Value

Each link on the HPR/IP port must have a unique destination IP address.

Adjacent node type

Valid Values
APPN network node, APPN end node, LEN end node

Default Value
APPN network node

This parameter identifies whether the adjacent node is an APPN node, a low-entry networking (LEN) end node.

When APPN end node is selected and Limited resource is No, APPN changes the adjacent node type internally to learn and will work with any node type.

When APPN end node is selected and Limited resource is Yes, the adjacent node type is unchanged.

When you select LEN end node, the fully-qualified control point name parameter is a required parameter. If this network node is communicating with the IBM Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM) product through the LEN node, and the LEN node is not a T2.1 node or does not have an explicitly defined control point (CP) name, then the router network node's XID number for the Subarea connection parameter also must be specified to establish a connection.
Note:LEN end node is not a valid node type for HPR/IP interface.

XID node identification

Valid Values
A string of 8 hex digits (0-F)

Default Value

This parameter specifies the ID block and ID number fields that identify the adjacent node. It is applicable only when the Adjacent node type field is set to LEN end node. If you choose yes for replace inbound XID3 CP name and XID with configured values, the value of this field replaces the corresponding parameters in the received XID.

fully-qualified CP name of adjacent node

Valid Values
A string of up to 17 characters in the form of netID.CPname, where:
  • netID is a network ID from 1 to 8 characters
  • CPname is a control point name from 1 to 8 characters

Each name must conform to the following rules:

  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Note:An existing fully-qualified CP name, using the special characters @, $, and from the character set A, continues to be supported; however, these characters should not be used for new CP names.

Default Value

This parameter specifies the fully-qualified CP name of the adjacent node. For the cases where this parameter is not required, the adjacent node's CP name may be learned dynamically during XID exchange; however, if a CP name is specified, it must match the adjacent node's definition for the link to be successfully activated.
Note:This parameter is required when any of the following occur:
  • The Service any node parameter is set to Disable.
  • The Adjacent node type parameter is set to LEN end node.
  • The CP-CP session level security parameter is set to Enable.
  • The link is a limited resource.

Replace inbound XID3 CP name and XID with configured values

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether or not the router should override the node id and CP name parameters received in XIDs from a configured LEN node. It is applicable only when the adjacent node type field is set to LEN end node.

If you have a large number of LEN nodes that are not configured adequately to participate in a full APPN network, you can configure their identity at the router and have the router override the values in their XIDs before forwarding those XIDs on.

Activate link automatically

If limited resource, then this parameter is set to No and is not configurable.

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

When this parameter is enabled, the router network node automatically activates the link to the adjacent node and initiates a connection.

Retry link activation unconditionally

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether or not the router should always try to reactivate the link regardless of the cause of link failure. It is applicable only for dial-out capable links where activate link automatically is yes.

Normally if a link fails to start or comes down due to some event other than an operator command, the router selectively chooses whether to reactivate it. If the failure cause is likely to require reconfiguration of one of the two nodes, the router does not automatically restart the link. This avoids a periodic repeat (with logging, alerting, etc.) of the unsuccessful connection attempt. If you want to override this behavior and have links always attempt to reconnect, select yes for this parameter.

Allow CP-CP sessions on this link

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value
Yes, if adjacent node type is APPN network node or APPN end node. No for all other adjacent node types

This parameter specifies whether sessions between control points are to be activated over this link station.

This parameter allows control of CP-CP session establishment between adjacent network nodes so that the overhead associated with topology database updates (TDUs) may be constrained.
Note:Every APPN network node must have at least one CP-CP session established to another APPN network node in order to maintain the minimum connectivity necessary to update the topology database. In addition, more than minimum connectivity could be desired to eliminate single points of failure and to improve network dynamics.

CP-CP session level security

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether session level security is enforced for CP-CP sessions established over this link station. When session level security is enabled, encrypted data is exchanged and compared during the BIND flows (which includes the BIND, the BIND response, and an FMH-12 Security RU). To successfully establish a CP-CP session with session level security enabled, both partners must be configured with the same encryption key. Currently, session level security support is limited to the basic LU-LU verification protocol.

Encryption key

Valid Values
Up to 16 hexadecimal digits. If fewer than 16 digits are specified, the value is padded on the right with zeros.

Default Value

This parameter is used to encrypt data exchanged during BIND flows. Both partners must be configured with the same key to establish a CP-CP session.

Use enhanced session security (If security is enabled)

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

High-performance routing (HPR) supported

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value
APPN network node, APPN end node or LEN end node: the value specified in the default HPR supported parameter for this port All other adjacent node types: No

This parameter indicates whether this link station supports HPR. The user should disable HPR support if the underlying link is unreliable. An HPR connection will not be established unless both link stations advertise HPR support during XID exchange.

DLCI number for link (Frame Relay only)

Valid Values
16 to 1007

Default Value

The DLCI parameter identifies the frame-relay logical data link connection with the adjacent node.

Station address of adjacent node (SDLC only)

Valid Values
Address in the range of (1 - FE)

Default Value

This parameter specifies the address of the adjacent node.

Limited Resource (PPP, X.25 FR over dial circuits, ATM)

Valid Values
Yes, or No

Default Value

If the link type is PPP or FR, the default will be taken from the limited resource parameter for the associated port.

This parameter specifies whether the TG for this link station is a limited resource. If you answer yes, then the Virtual Channel Type is SVC.

Branch Uplink

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value
The value specified for Branch Uplink on the port.

This parameter indicates whether this link will be a Branch uplink (to WAN) or Branch downlink (to LAN).

This question is asked only if Enabled Branch Extender has been set to yes and if this link station is not a network node. If Enabled Branch Extender has been set to yes and this link station is a network node, then Branch Uplink defaults to yes

Is uplink to another Branch Extender node

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter indicates whether or not the adjacent node has the Branch Extender function enabled.

This question is asked only if Branch Extender is enabled on this node, this is an uplink, and the uplink is a limited resource.

Preferred Network Node Server

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter indicates whether this uplink is to a network node server that is to be used as the network node server for the node supporting Branch Extender function and acting as an end node. If yes is specified, this uplink will be used as the network node server for this node.

This question will be asked only if:

  • Enabled Branch Extender is yes,
  • This station is a network node,
  • Branch Uplink is yes, and
  • CP-CP sessions are supported on this link.

TG Number

Valid Values
If limited resource is Yes, valid values are 1 - 20. If limited resource is No and link type is X.25 SVC, valid values are 0 - 20.

Otherwise, valid values are 0 - 20.

Default Value
If limited resource is Yes, default is 1. If limited resource is No, default is 0.

Otherwise, default value is 0.

This parameter uniquely identifies a TG between adjacent nodes.

Solicit SSCP session

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

If the link station name is the same as the CP name, then the default is yes.

This parameter indicates whether this link is to solicit SSCP sessions.

Local Node ID

Valid Values
5 hexadecimal digits

Default Value

This parameter specifies the local node identifier that represents the local dependent PU to VTAM. This question is asked only if Solicit SSCP session is yes. The local node id must be unique.

Enable Host Initiated Dynamic LU Definition

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter indicates whether or not dependent LUs will be created dynamically (as opposed to having to be configured.) If yes is specified, LUs will be defined for this PU as ACTLU requests (with CV0E) are received. With this feature, LUs for the TN3270E Server do not have to be configured.
Note:This question is asked only if Solicit SSCP session is yes.

Pool Name for Host-initiated Dynamic LUs

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z, $, #, @, or <
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9, $, #, @, >, or <

Default Value

This parameter specifies the name of a pool to be created to contain LUs that the host activates on this subarea link. This parameter is applicable only if Solicit SSCP session is yes, and Enable Host Initiated Dynamic LU Definition is yes.

You do not need to use the add implicit-pool command to define this pool; specifying the name and other parameters here is sufficient to cause the pool to be created. If you do enter a pool name, you will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters:

You can provide the same pool name for multiple subarea links, if you wish.

By specifying pool information, you cause host-initiated LUs that are not already configured at the router to be placed into the specified pool. TN3270 clients can then be assigned to them by requesting the pool name, or by mapping client IP addresses or destination ports to that pool.

If you do not specify pool information, these host-initiated LUs are treated as explicit LUs and can only be assigned to clients that request them by their individual LU names.

Local SAP address

Valid Values
Any valid SAP address between X'04' and X'EC'.

Default Value
Value taken from port

This parameter specifies local SAP address.


  1. This question is displayed only if there are multiple PUs defined on the port.

  2. If the local SAP address is not the main local SAP address on the port,

  3. the port name and SAP name will display in monitoring and SNMP display output.

Send Terminate-Self when TN3270 Client Disconnects

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter indicates whether or not a terminate_self request will be sent to the SSCP when the TN3270 client disconnects. If yes is specified, terminate_self will be sent and the host will be responsible for terminating the LU-LU session (i.e., the SLU will NOT send an UNBIND request.)

Subnet visit count

Valid Values
1 - 255

Default Value
Default taken from the equivalent port level parameter

This parameter specifies the default for the maximum number of subnetworks that a multi-subnet session may traverse.
Note:This question is asked only if the border node function is enabled on this node.

Adjacent node subnet affiliation

Valid Values
  • 0 (native)
  • 1 (non-native)
  • 2 (negotiable)

Default Value
Default is taken from the equivalent port level parameter

This parameter specifies whether the adjacent node is in this node's native APPN subnetwork or in a non-native APPN subnetwork. A value of 2 instructs the node to negotiate at link activation time to determine whether the adjacent link station is native or non-native.
Note:This question is asked only if the border node function is enabled on this node.

Table 26. Configuration Parameter List - Station Configuration for ATM
Parameter Information

Virtual Channel Type

Valid Values

Default Value

This parameter identifies the ATM channel type as switched virtual circuit (SVC) or permanent virtual circuit (PVC).

Note:The following parameters are common for SVCs and PVCs.

Destination ATM Address

Valid Values
A 40-character hexadecimal string

Default Value

This parameter specifies the 20-byte string that comprises the entire destination ATM address.

ATM network type

Valid Values
Campus, Widearea

Default Value

This parameter specifies the ATM network type.

Shareable connection network traffic

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether connection network traffic can be routed on the ATM VC set up this TG.

Shareable other protocol traffic

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether other higher level protocol traffic can be routed on the ATM VC set up for this TG.

LDLC retry count

Valid Values
1 -- 255

Default Value

This parameter is used in conjunction with the LDLC timer period to provide reliable delivery of XIDs. The retry count is initialized when a command or request is first transmitted over the link. If the LDLC timer period expires before a response is received, the command or request is retransmitted, the retry count is decremented, and the LDLC timer period is restarted. If the timer expires with the retry count at 0, the link is assumed to be inoperative.

LDLC Timer Period

Valid Values
1 -- 255 seconds

Default Value
For ATM: 1 second

For IP: 15 seconds

This parameter specifies the timer period used with the LDLC retry count.


Valid Values
0 -- 255

Default Value

This parameter identifies the VPI of the PVC at the interface.


Valid Values
0 to 65 535

Default Value

This parameter identifies the VCI of the PVC at the interface.

Broadband Bearer Class

Valid Values
Class_A, Class_C, Class_X

Default Value

This parameter specifies the bearer class requested from the ATM network. The classes are defined:

Class A
Constant bit rate (CBR) with end-to-end timing requirements

Class C
Variable bit rate (VBR) with no end-to-end timing requirements

Class X
Service allowing user-defined traffic type and timing requirements

Best Effort Indicator

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter indicates if a throughput guarantee is required on this SVC. If the value of this parameter is yes, then VCCs associated with this interface will be allocated based upon the available bandwidth.

Note:The following parameters are forward traffic parameters.

Forward Peak Cell Rate

Valid Values
85% of line speed

Default Value
Port's Default Effective Capacity/48

This parameter indicates an upper bound on the cell transmission rate.

Forward Sustained Cell Rate

Valid Values
1 - 85% of line speed

Default Value
Port's Default Effective Capacity/48

This parameter indicates an upper bound on the average cell transmission rate. You cannot specify this parameter for Best Effort connections.

Forward Tagging

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter indicates that cells that are nonconforming to cell loss priority 0 traffic specification but are conforming to cell loss priority 1 traffic specification are marked and allowed into the ATM network. You cannot specify this parameter for Best Effort connections.


Valid Values
CLASS_0, CLASS_1, CLASS_2, CLASS_3, CLASS_4, where

The unspecified class. The network does not specify any QoS.

Performance is comparable to current digital private line performance.

Intended for packetized video and audio in teleconferencing and multimedia applications.

Intended for interoperation of connection-oriented protocols, such as Frame Relay

Intended for interoperation of connectionless protocols, such as IP.

Default Value

This parameter indicates which class of service is provided to an ATM virtual connection. You cannot specify this parameter for Best Effort connections.

Note:The following parameters are backward traffic parameters.

Backward Peak Cell Rate

Valid Values
1 - 85% of line speed

Default Value
Taken from the port definition

This parameter indicates an upper bound on the cell transmission rate.

Backward Sustained Cell Rate

Valid Values
1 - 85% of line speed

Default Value
Taken from the port definition

This parameter indicates an upper bound on the average cell transmission rate. You cannot specify this parameter for Best Effort connections.

Backward Tagging

Valid Values
Yes, No

Default Value

This parameter indicates that cells that are nonconforming to cell loss priority 0 traffic specification but are conforming to cell loss priority 1 traffic specification are marked and allowed into the ATM network. You cannot specify this parameter for Best Effort connections.


Valid Values
CLASS_0, CLASS_1, CLASS_2, CLASS_3, CLASS_4, where

The unspecified class. The network does not specify any QoS.

Performance is comparable to current digital private line performance.

Intended for packetized video and audio in teleconferencing and multimedia applications.

Intended for interoperation of connection-oriented protocols, such as Frame Relay

Intended for interoperation of connectionless protocols, such as IP.

Default Value

This parameter indicates which class of service is provided to an ATM virtual connection. You cannot specify this parameter for Best Effort connections.

Callout Anonymously

Valid Values
Yes, no

Default Value

This parameter indicates whether APPN will pass the source address when making the call.

Table 27. Configuration Parameter List - Modify TG Characteristics
Parameter Information

Cost per connect time

Valid Values
0 to 255

Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.

This parameter expresses the relative cost of maintaining a connection over the associated TG. The units are user-defined and are typically based on the applicable tariffs of the transmission facility being used. The assigned values should reflect the actual expense of maintaining a connection over the TG relative to all other TGs in the network. A value of zero means that connections over the TG may be made at no additional cost (as in the case of many non-switched facilities). Higher values represent higher costs.

Cost per byte

Valid Values
0 to 255

Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.

This parameter expresses the relative cost of transmitting a byte over the associated TG. The units are user-defined and the assigned value should reflect the actual expenses incurred for transmitting over the TG relative to all other TGs in the network. A value of zero means that bytes may be transmitted over the TG at no additional cost. Higher values represent higher costs.


Valid Values
  • Nonsecure - all else (for example, satellite-connected, or located in a nonsecure country).
  • Public switched network - secure in the sense that route is not predetermined.
  • Underground cable - located in secure country (as determined by the network administrator).
  • Secure conduit - Not guarded, (for example, pressurized pipe).
  • Guarded conduit - protected against physical tapping.
  • Encrypted - link-level encryption is provided.
  • Guarded radiation - guarded conduit containing the transmission medium; protected against physical and radiation tapping.

Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.

This parameter indicates the level of security protection associated with the TG. If security attributes other than the architecturally-defined ones are needed, one of the user-defined TG characteristics may be used to specify additional values.

Propagation delay

Valid Values
Minimum LAN - less than 480 microseconds
Telephone - between .48 and 49.152 milliseconds
Packet switched - between 49.152 and 245.76 milliseconds
Satellite - greater than 245.76 milliseconds Maximum

Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.

This parameter specifies the approximate range for the length of time that it takes for a signal to propagate from one end of the TG to the other.

Effective capacity

Valid Values
2 hexadecimal digits in the range X'00' to X'FF'

Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.

This parameter specifies the maximum bit transmission rate for both physical links and logical links. Note that the effective capacity for a logical link may be less than the physical link speed.

The effective capacity is encoded as a single-byte representation. The values X'00' and X'FF' are special cases used to denote minimum and maximum capacities. The range of the encoding is very large; however, only 256 values in the range may be specified.

First user-defined TG characteristic

Valid Values
0 to 255

Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.

This parameter specifies the first of three additional characteristics that users can define to describe the TGs in a network.

Second user-defined TG characteristic

Valid Values
0 to 255

Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.

This parameter specifies the second of three additional characteristics that users can define to describe the TGs in a network.

Third user-defined TG characteristic

Valid Values
0 to 255

Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.

This parameter specifies the third of three additional characteristics that users can define to describe the TGs in a network.

Table 28. Configuration Parameter List - Modify Dependent LU Server
Parameter Information

fully-qualified CP name of primary DLUS

Valid Values
A string of up to 17 characters in the form of netID.CPname, where:
  • netID is a network ID from 1 to 8 characters
  • CPname is a control point name from 1 to 8 characters

Each name must conform to the following rules:

  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Note:An existing fully-qualified CP name, using the special characters @, $, and # from the character set A, continues to be supported; however, these characters should not be used for new CP names.

Default Value
The value specified in the default fully-qualified CP name of primary dependent LU server parameter.

This parameter specifies the fully-qualified CP name of the dependent LU server (DLUS) that is to be used for incoming requests from the downstream PU associated with this link station.

fully-qualified CP name for backup DLUS

Valid Values
A string of up to 17 characters in the form of netID.CPname, where:
  • netID is a network ID from 1 to 8 characters
  • CPname is a control point name from 1 to 8 characters

Each name must conform to the following rules:

  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Note:An existing fully-qualified CP name, using the special characters @, $, and # from the character set A, continues to be supported; however, these characters should not be used for new CP names.

Default Value
The value specified in the default fully-qualified CP name of backup dependent LU server parameter.

This parameter specifies the fully-qualified CP name of the dependent LU server (DLUS) that is to be used as a backup for the downstream PU associated with this link station. This parameter allows the default backup server to be overridden. A backup is not required, and the NULL value indicates the absence of a backup server. Note that NULL can be specified even when a default backup server has been defined (by erasing the default value that appears for this parameter).

Table 29. Configuration Parameter List - Modify LLC Characteristics
Parameter Information


Valid Values
Multiples of four in the hexadecimal range of X'04' to X'EC'.

Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.

This parameter specifies the Destination SAP (DSAP) address on the destination node to which data will be sent. This DSAP address value will appear in the LLC frame to identify the service access point (SAP) address associated with the adjacent node's APPN link station.

Maximum number of outstanding I-format LPDUs (TW)

Valid Values
1 to 127

Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.

This parameter specifies the transmit Command Line option which is the maximum number of sequentially numbered I-format LPDUs that the link station may have unacknowledged at any given time.

Receive window size

Valid Values
1 to 127

Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.

This parameter specifies the maximum number of unacknowledged sequentially numbered I-format LPDUs that the LLC link station can receive from the remote link station. RW is advertised in SNA XID frames and IEEE 802.2 XID frames. The XID receiver should set its effective TW to a value less than or equal to the value of the received RW to avoid overruns.

Inactivity timer (Ti)

Valid Values
1 to 254 seconds

Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.

A link station uses Ti to detect an inoperative condition in either the remote link station or in the transmission media. If an LPDU is not received in the time interval specified by Ti, an S-format command LPDU with the poll bit set is transmitted to solicit remote link station status. Recovery is then based on the reply timer (T1).

Reply timer (T1)

Valid Values
1 to 254 seconds

Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.

A link station uses T1 to detect a failure to receive a required acknowledgment or response from the remote link station. When T1 expires, the link station sends an S-format command link layer protocol data unit (LPDU) with the poll bit set to solicit remote link station status or any U-format command LPDUs that have not been responded to. The duration of T1 should take into account any delays introduced by underlying layers.

Maximum number of retransmissions (N2)

Valid Values
1 to 254

Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.

This parameter specifies the maximum number of times an LPDU will be retransmitted following the expiration of the reply timer (T1).

Receive acknowledgment timer (T2)

Valid Values
1 to 254, measured in tenths of a second

Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.

This parameter may be used in conjunction with the N3 counter to reduce acknowledgment traffic. A link station uses T2 to delay the sending of an acknowledgment for a received I-format LPDU. T2 is started when an I-format LPDU is received, and reset when an acknowledgment is sent in an I-format or S-format LPDU. If T2 expires, the link station must send an acknowledgment as soon as possible. The value of T2 must be less than that of T1, to ensure that the remote link station will receive the delayed acknowledgment before its T1 expires.

Acknowledgment needed to increment working window

Valid Values
0 to 127 acknowledgments

Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.

When the working window (Ww) is not equal to the Maximum Transmit Window Size (Tw), this parameter is the number of transmitted I-format LPDUs that must be acknowledged before the working window can be incremented (by 1). When congestion is detected, by the lost of I-format LPDUs, Ww is set to 1.

Table 30. Configuration Parameter List - Modify HPR Defaults
Parameter Information

Inactivity timer override for HPR (HPR Ti)

Valid Values
1 to 254 seconds

Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.

This parameter specifies the HPR override LLC inactivity timer (HPR Ti) that is to be used when HPR is supported by this link station. This parameter overrides the value taken from the default inactivity timer override for the HPR parameter.

This parameter supersedes the value of the LLC inactivity timer (Ti) parameter specified on the Modify Logical Link Control (LLC) Characteristics parameter when HPR is supported.

Reply timer override for HPR (HPR T1)

Valid Values
1 to 254 seconds

Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.

This parameter specifies the HPR override LLC reply timer (HPR T1) that is to be used when HPR is supported by this link station. This parameter overrides the value taken from the default reply timer override for HPR parameter specified on HPR Defaults.

This parameter supersedes the value of the LLC reply timer (T1) parameter specified on the Modify Logical Link Control (LLC) Characteristics parameter when HPR is supported.

Maximum number retransmission (HPR N2)

Valid Values
1 to 216 000

Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.

This parameter specifies the HPR override LLC maximum number of retransmissions (HPR N2) that is to be used when HPR is supported by this link station. This parameter overrides the value taken from the default maximum number of retransmissions for HPR parameter specified on the HPR LLC Override defaults.

This parameter supersedes the value of the LLC maximum number of retransmissions (N2) parameter specified on the Modify Logical Link Control (LLC) Characteristics parameter when HPR is supported.

Limited Resource Timer

Valid Values
1 to 216 000 seconds

Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.

This parameter specifies the timer value associated with the limited resource.



You will be prompted to enter a station name to associate this LU with.

You will be prompted to enter a value for the following parameter. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Table 31. Configuration Parameter List - LEN End Node LU Name
Parameter Information

fully-qualified LU name

Valid Values
fully-qualified (explicit) LU name Generic (partially explicit) LU name Wildcard entry

A string of up to 17 characters in the form of netID.LUname, where:

  • netID is a network ID from 1 to 8 characters
  • LUname is a control point name from 1 to 8 characters

Each name must conform to the following rules:

  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Note:An existing fully-qualified LU name, using the special characters @, $, and # from the character set A, continues to be supported; however, these characters should not be used for new LU names.

To reduce the number of fully-qualified LU names you need to specify, you can define a generic LU name using the wildcard character (*) to represent a portion of the LU name (LUname). You can also define a wildcard entry by using the wildcard character as the whole LU name.

Default Value

This parameter specifies the fully-qualified names of LUs associated with a LEN end node. The specified LU names are registered in the network node's directory services database. If a name is not registered, the network node cannot locate the LU (unless the LU name is the same as the CP name of the LEN end node).

You need to specify a fully-qualified LU name, which consists of a network ID and the LU name. The network ID is the name of the network that contains the adjacent LEN end node. The LU name is the name of a logical unit accessible through the adjacent LEN end node.



You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Table 32. Configuration Parameter List - Connection Network - Detail
Parameter Information

Fully-qualified Connection network name (required for each connection network defined)

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Note:An existing connection network of which this node desires to become a member, named using the special characters @, $, and # from the character set A, continues to be supported; however, these characters should not be used for new connection network names.

Default Value

This parameter specifies the fully-qualified name of the connection network being defined on this router network node. Since this name becomes the CP name of the virtual routing node (VRN), the name must be unique among all CP and LU names in the APPN network (same as in the local Control Point Name).

All nodes that are members of a given connection network must use the same VRN Name.

The fully-qualified VRN Name (CP name of VRN) has the form:

NetworkID.ConnectionNetworkName where NetworkID is this router network node's network identifier.

Port type (required)

Valid Values
Token-ring, Ethernet, Frame Relay BAN, IP, ATM
Note:If the port type is IP, no port name will be specified since there is only one IP port.

Default Value

This parameter specifies the type of ports providing connectivity to the SATF for the connection network being defined. A given connection network only supports one type of port with one set of characteristics.

Port name (required)

Valid Values
Name of port on which APPN routing has been enabled.
Note:If the port type is IP, no port name will be specified since there is only one IP port.

Default Value

This parameter specifies the name of a port providing connectivity to the shared access transport facility (SATF) for the connection network being defined.

All ports defined for a given connection network must be the same type and have the same characteristics.
Note:For a port type of IP, additional ports added to an IP connection network can be any port that IP has been defined to use.

At least one additional port besides the IP port must be added for the connection network to be used.

Since the IP port is a pseudo port that always comes up when the node is initialized, real ports that IP is defined on (TR, ATM, FR, ...) must be added to the CN. When at least one of these real ports is up, the connection network link is assumed active. When all of these real ports is down, the connection network link is assumed to be inactive.

Limited Resource Timer

Valid Values
1 to 216 000 seconds

Default Value

This parameter specifies the timer value associated with a limited resource.

DLCI number

Valid Values
16 to 1007

Default Value

This parameter specifies the DLCI number used by the router to connect to the Frame Relay network. When the router initiates a connection to a link station on the LAN through the connection network, it will use this DLCI number to connect to the Frame Relay network.

BAN destination address (BDA)

Valid Values
X'0000 0000 0000' to X'7FFF FFFF FFFF'

Default Value
X'0000 0000 0000'

This parameter specifies the BAN destination address configured in the node that is performing the BAN function. If you are using bridging to connect the LAN network to the Frame Relay network, specify X'0000 0000 0000' as the value of this parameter. In this case, the MAC address reported to the APPN topology for the connection network TG is the BNI MAC address coded on the APPN port associated with this connection network definition.

Table 33. Configuration Parameter List - Connection Network Configuration for ATM
Parameter Information

Port name (required)

Valid Values
Name of port on which APPN routing has been enabled.

Default Value

This parameter specifies the name of a port providing connectivity to the shared access transport facility (SATF) for the connection network being defined.

All ports defined for a given connection network must be the same type and have the same characteristics.

fully-qualified connection network name

Valid Values
A string of 3 to 17 characters in the form of netID.CNname, where:
  • netID is a network ID from 1 to 8 characters
  • CNname is a connection network name from 1 to 8 characters

Each name must conform to the following rules:

  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Default Value

This parameter specifies the fully-qualified CN name to which this TG is defined.

Connection network TG number

Valid Values
1 to 239

Default Value

This parameter specifies the TG number uniquely identifying this connection from the local port to the CN. The CN name and TG number pair must be unique.

Limited Resource

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter indicates if this TG should be brought down when not in use by session traffic.

Limited Resource Timer

Valid Values
1 to 2 160 000 seconds

Default Value
180 seconds

This parameter indicates the time limit after which this CN TG should be brought down when not in use by session traffic.

LDLC retry count

Valid Values
1 to 255

Default Value

This parameter is used in conjunction with the LDLC timer period to provide reliable delivery of XIDs. The retry count is initialized when a command or request is first transmitted over the link. If the LDLC timer period expires before a response is received, the command or request is retransmitted, the retry count is decremented, and the LDLC timer period is restarted. If the timer expires with the retry count at 0, the link is assumed to be inoperative.

LDLC Timer Period

Valid Values
1 to 255 seconds

Default Value
For ATM: 1 second

For IP: 15 seconds

This parameter specifies the timer period used with the LDLC retry count.

Broadband Bearer Class

Valid Values
Class_A, Class_C, or Class_X

Default Value

This parameter specifies the bearer class requested from the ATM network. The classes are defined:

Class A
Constant bit rate (CBR) with end-to-end timing requirements

Class C
Variable bit rate (VBR) with no end-to-end timing requirements

Class X
Service allowing user-defined traffic type and timing requirements

Shareable Regular Network traffic

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value
Yes, if this is a Best Effort CN. No, otherwise.

This parameter specifies whether traffic on this connection network TG can be routed on an ATM VC set up for a regular TG or another CN TG.

Shareable other protocol traffic

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether the ATM VC established for this CN TG may be shared with other higher level protocols in the router.

Note:The following parameters are forward traffic parameters.

Forward Peak Cell Rate

Valid Values
1 to 85% of line speed

Default Value
Taken from the port definition

This parameter indicates an upper bound on the cell transmission rate.

Forward Sustained Cell Rate

Valid Values
1 to 85% of line speed

Default Value
Taken from the port definition

This parameter indicates an upper bound on the average cell transmission rate.

Forward Tagging

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter indicates that cells that are nonconforming to cell loss priority 0 traffic specification but are conforming to cell loss priority 1 traffic specification are marked and allowed into the ATM network.


Valid Values
CLASS_0, CLASS_1, CLASS_2, CLASS_3, CLASS_4, where

The unspecified class. The network does not specify any QoS.

Performance is comparable to current digital private line performance.

Intended for packetized video and audio in teleconferencing and multimedia applications.

Intended for interoperation of connection-oriented protocols, such as Frame Relay.

Intended for interoperation of connectionless protocols, such as IP.

Default Value

This parameter indicates which class of service is provided to an ATM virtual connection.

Table 34. Configuration Parameter List - TG Characteristics (Connection Network)
Parameter Information

Cost per connect time

Valid Values
0 to 255

Default Value

This parameter expresses the relative cost of maintaining a connection over the associated TG. The units are user-defined and are typically based on the applicable tariffs of the transmission facility being used. The assigned values should reflect the actual expense of maintaining a connection over the TG relative to all other TGs in the network. A value of zero means that connections over the TG may be made at no additional cost (as in the case of many non-switched facilities). Higher values represent higher costs.

Cost per byte

Valid Values
0 to 255

Default Value

This parameter expresses the relative cost of transmitting a byte over the associated TG. The units are user-defined and the assigned value should reflect the actual expenses incurred for transmitting over the TG relative to all other TGs in the network. A value of zero means that bytes may be transmitted over the TG at no additional cost. Higher values represent higher costs.


Valid Values
Nonsecure - all else (for example, satellite-connected, or located in a nonsecure country).
Public switched network - secure in the sense that route is not predetermined.
Underground cable - located in secure country (as determined by the network administrator).
Secure conduit - not guarded, (for example, pressurized pipe).
Guarded conduit - protected against physical tapping.
Encrypted - link-level encryption is provided.
Guarded radiation - guarded conduit containing the transmission medium; protected against physical and radiation tapping.

Default Value

This parameter indicates the level of security protection associated with the TG. If security attributes other than the architecturally-defined ones are needed, one of the user-defined TG characteristics may be used to specify additional values.

Propagation delay

Valid Values
  • Minimum LAN - less than 480 microseconds
  • Telephone - between .48 and 49.152 milliseconds
  • Packet switched - between 49.152 and 245.76 milliseconds
  • Satellite - greater than 245.76 milliseconds Maximum

Default Value

This parameter specifies the approximate range for the length of time that it takes for a signal to propagate from one end of the TG to the other.

Effective capacity

Valid Values
2 hexadecimal digits in the range X'00' to X'FF'

Default Value

This parameter specifies the effective maximum bit transmission rate for this connection network TG. Effective capacity specifies the maximum effective rate for both physical links and logical links.

The effective capacity is encoded as a single-byte representation. The values X'00' and X'FF' are special cases used to denote minimum and maximum capacities. The range of the encoding is very large; however, only 256 values in the range may be specified.

First user-defined characteristic

Valid Values
0 to 255

Default Value

This parameter specifies the first of three additional characteristics that users may define to describe the TGs in the network. The default value of 128 allows a subset of TGs to be defined as more or less desirable than the rest without defining values for all TGs.

Second user-defined characteristic

Valid Values
0 to 255

Default Value

This parameter specifies the second of three additional characteristics that users may define to describe the TGs in the network. The default value of 128 allows a subset of TGs to be defined as more or less desirable than the rest without defining values for all TGs.

Third user-defined characteristic

Valid Values
0 to 255

Default Value

This parameter specifies the third of three additional characteristics that users may define to describe the TGs in the network. The default value of 128 allows a subset of TGs to be defined as more or less desirable than the rest without defining values for all TGs.



You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Table 35. Configuration Parameter List - APPN COS - Mode Name to COS Name Mapping - Detail
Parameter Information

Mode name (required)

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Note:An existing mode name for an existing network, of which this router network node is to become a member, using the special characters @, $, and # from the character set A, continues to be supported; however, these characters should not be used for new mode names.

Default Value

This parameter specifies the Mode name for the Mode name to COS name mapping being defined. See "CoS Options" for additional information about Mode name to COS mapping.

COS name (required)

Valid Values
The name of a previously defined COS definition, selected from the list of COS names defined for this router network node.

Default Value

This parameter specifies the COS Name to be associated with the Mode name being defined for this mode name to COS name mapping.

Session-level pacing Command Line option size

Valid Values
1 to 63

Default Value

This parameter specifies the session-level pacing Command Line option size. This parameter has different definitions depending upon the type of pacing used:
  • For fixed session-level pacing:
    • The session-level pacing Command Line option size parameter specifies the receive pacing Command Line option for this node.
    • The value of this parameter is the suggested receive pacing Command Line option for the adjacent node.
  • For adaptive session-level pacing:
    • The session-level pacing Command Line option size parameter specifies a tuning parameter to be used as the minimum size for Isolated Pacing Messages sent by the adjacent nodes.



You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].
Note:You can have a maximum of 5 ports per connection network definition.

Table 36. Configuration Parameter List - APPN Additional port to Connection Network
Parameter Information

Connection network name (fully-qualified) (required for each connection network defined)

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Note:An existing connection network of which this node desires to become a member, named using the special characters @, $, and # from the character set A, continues to be supported; however, these characters should not be used for new connection network names.

Default Value

This parameter specifies the name of the connection network being defined on this router network node. Since this name becomes the CP name of the virtual routing node (VRN), the name must be unique among all CP and LU names in the APPN network (same as in the local Control Point Name).

All nodes that are members of a given connection network must use the same VRN Name.

The fully-qualified VRN Name (CP name of VRN) has the form:

NetworkID.ConnectionNetworkName where NetworkID is this router network node's network identifier.

Port name

Valid Values
A unique unqualified name that is automatically generated by the Command Line.

The name will consist of:

  • TR (token-ring)
  • EN (Ethernet)

Default Value
Unqualified name generated by the Command Line.

This parameter specifies the name representing this port.

When the connection network that the port is being added to is IP, only ports that IP is defined to have an interface on will be permitted to be added to the IP CN. At least one real port that has IP defined must be added to the IP CN for the CN to become active and to be used.



You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Table 37. Configuration Parameter List - APPN Implicit Focal Point
Parameter Information

focal point

Valid Values
A fully-qualified CP name

Default Value

This parameter specifies the fully-qualified CP name representing this focal point.

The first focal point added is the primary implicit focal point. Up to 8 additional backup implicit focal points may be added by invoking Add focal_point multiple times. If the primary implicit focal point is taken off the focal point list with Delete focal_point, the first backup implicit focal point, if there is one, becomes the primary implicit focal point.



You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Table 38. Configuration Parameter List - APPN Local PU
Parameter Information

Station name

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Default Value

This parameter specifies the name representing the link between the DLUR and the PU.

Primary DLUS name

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Default Value

This parameter specifies the name to be used to override the primary DLUS configured for this node.

Secondary DLUS name

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Default Value

This parameter specifies the name to be used to override the secondary DLUS configured for this node.


Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether to activate this link at start-up.
Note:If the local link will be used for a DDDLU PU, you should specify yes to this question.

If the local link is not set to autoactivate, then the first attempt to use the local pu (that is, the first attempt to establish a TN3270 session) will fail because the link is not yet up. While this attempt will fail, it causes the link to come up, and that link will be available for the next attempt. Since the link comes up when the SSCP-PU session is established, and that is when the link is identified as a DDDLU link. No DDDLU sessions can be established until the link is identified as a DDDLU link.

Enable Host Initiated Dynamic LU Definition

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter indicates whether or not dependent LUs will be created dynamically (as opposed to having to be configured.) If yes is specified, LUs will be defined for this PU as ACTLU requests (with CV0E) are received. LUs for the TN3270E Server do not have to be configured.

Pool Name for Host-initiated Dynamic LUs

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z, $, #, @, or <
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9, $, #, @, >, or <

Default Value

This parameter specifies the name of a pool to be created to contain LUs that the host activates on this local PU. This parameter is applicable only if Enable Host Initiated Dynamic LU Definition is yes.

You do not need to use the add implicit-pool command to define this pool; specifying the name and other parameters here is sufficient to cause the pool to be created.

If you do enter a pool name, you will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters:

You can provide the same pool name for multiple local PUs, if you wish.

By specifying pool information, you cause host-initiated LUs that are not already configured at the router to be placed into the specified pool. TN3270 clients can then be assigned to them by requesting the pool name, or by mapping client IP addresses or destination ports to that pool.

If you do not specify pool information, these host-initiated LUs are treated as explicit LUs and can only be assigned to clients that request them by their individual LU names.

Send Terminate-Self when TN3270 Client Disconnects

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter indicates whether or not a terminate_self request will be sent to the SSCP when the TN3270 client disconnects. If yes is specified, terminate_self will be sent and the host will be responsible for terminating the LU-LU session (i.e., the SLU will NOT send an UNBIND request.)


Note:These questions are asked only if you have configured the node as a border node.

There are a number of editing shortcut keys available to speed the modification of existing data in a previously configured routing list. These shortcut keys may be used when you are prompted for the Destination LUs and the Routing CPs.

Table 39. Configuration Parameter List - Routing List Configuration
Parameter Information

Routing list name

Valid Values
Character string up to 20 characters in length with no imbedded blanks. Mixed case and special characters are allowed.

Default Value

This parameter identifies a specific routing list for modification. listing, or deletion by the configuration code. It is not used by the operational code. Up to 255 routing lists may be configured depending upon availability of configuration memory. Case is respected.

Subnet visit count

Valid Values
1 to 255

Default Value
Default taken from corresponding node level parameter

This parameter specifies how many networks a locate search procedure may traverse.

Dynamic routing list updates

Valid Values
0 (none)

1 (full)

2 (limited)

Default Value
Default value taken from corresponding node level parameter

This parameter controls whether entries can be automatically added to the node's temporary subnet routing list. It can be set to the same values as the analogous node level parameter. If this function is enabled the automatically added entries are only added to the temporary copy of the routing list.

Enable routing list optimization

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

Indicates whether the node is allowed to reorder the subnetwork routing list so that entries most likely to succeed come first. This reordering occurs in the internal temporary copy of the routing list.

Destination LU found via this list

Valid Values

A fully-qualified LU name with optional trailing wildcard. Legal characters for the LU name are: A-Z, @, $, #, 0-9.

The first character of the NETID part and of the LU name part must be non-numeric.

Any of the FQ LU names may be terminated with a wild card "*" character to designate the range of LUs. For example,

  • *
  • NETI*

Default Value

This parameter specifies a list of destination LUs that can be found via this routing list.

This question will be repeated until terminated with a null entry.


  1. Only a single entry among all of the routing lists may have a standalone "*" . This will match all LUs, and the routing list containing it is known as the default routing list.

  2. All the editing shortcuts described at the beginning of this table are available to speed modification of a previously configured routing CP(s) list.

  3. Any given LU name may not be duplicated in another routing list.

  4. Maximum number of LU names that may be specified:
    • 2216 - 126

Routing CP and optional subnet visit count

Valid Values
A fully-qualified CP name consisting of 1 to 17 characters followed by an optional numeric subnet visit count. Legal characters for the CP name are: A-Z, @, $, #, 0-9

The first character of the NETID part and of the CP name part must be non-numeric. The optional subnet visit count range is 1 to 255 and should be separated from the fully-qualified CP name by one or more spaces.

Default Value
Blank for fully-qualified CP name and node-level setting for subnet visit count.

This parameter specifies a list of one or more fully-qualified CP names of CPs that might know how to reach one or more of the previously configured destination LUs.

Each of the following special keywords may be used once in any given routing list:

  • "*" - equivalent to specifying all native BNs, all adjacent non-native BNs, and all adjacent non-native NNs.
  • "*SELF" - equivalent to specifying the local node's fully-qualified CP name
  • "*EBNS" - equivalent to specifying all native BNs

This question will be repeated until terminated with a null entry.


  1. All the editing shortcuts described at the beginning of this table are available to speed modification of a previously configured routing CP list.

  2. If you configure "*SELF" as a CP name, you cannot configure the local node's CP name.

  3. Any given routing list can have the following maximum number of CP names and keywords:
    • 2216 - 144

  4. Across all routing lists, you may use no more than the following number of different CP names and keywords:
    • 2216 - 144

  5. Any given CP name or keyword may appear in no more than 255 routing lists.


Note:These questions are asked only if you have configured the node as a border node.

The editing shortcut keys specified at the beginning of the routing list table are also valid here. Use them to speed modification of the non-native CP names and COS name pairs.

Table 40. Configuration Parameter List - COS Mapping Table Configuration
Parameter Information

COS mapping table name

Valid Values
Character string up to 20 characters in length, with no imbedded blanks. Mixed case and special characters are allowed.

Default Value

This parameter identifies a specific COS mapping table. It allows you to identify the table for modification, listing, or deletion by the configuration software. It is not used by the operational software. Up to 255 COS mapping tables may be configured depending upon availability of configuration memory. Case is respected.

Non-native NETID or CP name

Valid Values
A fully-qualified CP name with optional trailing wildcard. Legal characters for the CP name are: A-Z, @, $, #, 0-9

The first character of the NETID part and of the CP name part must be non-numeric. Any of the fully-qualified CP names may be terminated with a wildcard "*" character to designate a range of CPs. For example:

  • *
  • NET1*
  • NET1.LUA*

Default Value

This parameter specifies a list of one or more non-native networks that this mapping table applies to. This question is repeated until terminated with a null entry.


  1. Only a single entry among all the routing lists may have a standalone "*" . This will match all non-native networks, and is known as the default routing list.

  2. Any given CP name may not be duplicated in another COS mapping table.

  3. Maximum number of CP names that may be specified:
    • 2216 - 126

Native and non-native COS-name pair

Valid Values
A pair of COS names, separated by a blank. Legal characters are: A-Z, @, $, #, 0-9

The first character of each name must be non-numeric.

Default Value

This parameter identifies a pair of COS names. A native COS name is followed by the corresponding non-native COS name.

For any given COS mapping table, one of the COS name pairs may specify the non-native COS name as "*" . This designates the default entry to use for all non-native COS names that do not explicitly match another entry in the table.

One COS name pair cannot exactly match another COS name pair in a given table. However, a given native COS name can be used in multiple entries, and it is also okay for a given non-native COS name to be used in multiple entries. The operational software will use the first entry it finds.

This question will be repeated until terminated with a null entry.


  1. The native and non-native names cannot be identical. Only COS names that need to be changed should be specified.

  2. A given native or non-native COS name may appear in multiple entries, but you cannot have two identical COS name pairs.

  3. When you have multiple native COS names mapping to the same non-native COS name, the border node will use the first of those mappings when it needs to map from non-native to native. Similarly, when you have multiple non-native COS names mapping to a common native COS name, the border node will use the first of those mappings when it needs to map from native to non-native.

  4. Any given COS mapping table can have the following maximum number of COS name pairs:
    • 2216 - 46

  5. Across all COS mapping tables, you may use no more than the following number of native COS names:
    • 2216 - 144

    There is no analogous limit for non-native COS names.

  6. Any given native COS name may appear no more than 255 times across all routing lists.


Use the delete command to delete:


port port-name

link link-station-name

lu-name lu-name

connection-network connection-network-name

additional-port-to-connection-network cn-port-name

mode name

focal_point focal-point-name


routing_list routing list name

cos_mapping_table mapping table name


Use the list command to list:








port (port name)

link station (link station name)

lu name lu name

mode name mode name

connection network connection network name


routing_list routing list name

cos_mapping_table mapping table name


Use the activate_new_config command to read the configuration into non-volatile memory.




Table 41. TN3270E Configuration Command Summary
 Command   Function   See page: 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
Set  tn3270e   *** 
Add  Adds or updates the following:    

 implicit-pool   Table 43 

 lu   Table 44 

 mapping   *** 

 port   *** 
Delete  Deletes the following: 
  • implicit-pool
  • lu
  • mapping
  • port
 List all   Lists the configuration memory   *** 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".



You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Table 42. Configuration Parameter List - Set TN3270E
Parameter Information

Enable TN3270E Server

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether TN3270E Server support will be enabled.

TN3270E Server IP Address

Valid values
Any IP address is accepted as valid input. However, the address must also be configured in IP either as an interface address or as the router's internal IP address.

Default Value

This parameter is the IP address associated with the TN3270E Server.

Port number

Valid Values
1 to 65 535

Default Value

This parameter specifies the port number associated with the TN3270E Server.

Enable Client IP address to LU name mapping?

Valid values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether client IP address to LU name mapping occurs.

Default pool name

Valid Values
Any alphanumeric string of 1 to 8 characters

Default Value

This parameter specifies the name of the default pool. This pool is used when TN3270 clients connect and do not specify an LU/pool name.

NetDisp Advisor Port Number

Valid Values
1 to 65 535

Default Value
10 008

This parameter sets the port number for the Network Dispatcher Advisor.

Keepalive type

Valid Values


Timing mark


Default Value

This parameter specifies the Keepalive type.

A Keepalive type of Timing mark requires responses from the client within the amount of time specified using the Timer parameter.

A Keepalive type of NOP specifies that the client will not send back a response to the Keepalive message. Notification that the client is no longer there will come from TCP.


Valid Values
1 to 65 535 seconds

Default Value

This parameter specifies how often the Keepalive message is sent to the client.


Valid Values
1 to 65535 seconds

Default Value

This parameter sets the timer value to be used with the Keepalive function.

Automatic logoff

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether automatic logoff will be enabled.


Valid Values
1 to 65 535 minutes

Default Value

This parameter sets the time that the TN3270E link can be idle before being automatically logged off.

IPv4 Precedence

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter sets the IPv4 precedence value, which allows priority queueing of IPv4 encapsulated packets.

Enable LU Capping?

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter allows you to determine how many TN3270 sessions each IP address is allowed to initiate. If the answer to this question is yes, you will be asked the following question.

Max number of LUs per IP address

Valid Values
0 - 65 535

Default Value

This parameter sets the maximum number of TN3270 sessions each client IP address is allowed to initiate.



This command defines a pool of LUs as opposed to the add lu command which adds a single LU. You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Table 43. Configuration Parameter List - Add TN3270E Implicit
Parameter Information

Pool name

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z, $, #, @, or <
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9, $, #, @, > or <

Default Value

This parameter specifies the name of the LU pool to be used when TN3270 clients connect.

Pool class

Valid Values
1 or 2, where:
  1. Implicit workstation
  2. Implicit printer

Default Value

This parameter specifies type of LU pool.

Station name

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Default Value

This parameter specifies the name representing the link between the DLUR and the PU or the subarea link over which SNA data will flow.

LU Name Mask

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 5 characters:
  • First character: A to Z, @, $, and #
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Default Value

This parameter specifies the mask to be used to ensure that the LU names will not duplicate other names in the network.

LU names are generated by appending the NAU address to the end of the LU name mask. When not specifying an address range, NAU addresses from 2 - 253 will be checked to see if the address is unused. If the address is available, it will be used. Otherwise, the next NAU address will be tried.

For example, if the LU name mask is FRED, the possible LU names are [FRED2, FRED3, ..., FRED253].

LU type

Valid Values
  • 1 - 3270 Mod 2 display
  • 2 - 3270 Mod 3 display
  • 3 - 3270 Mod 4 display
  • 4 - 3270 Mod 5 display
  • 5 - 3270 printer
  • 6 - SCS printer

Default Value

This parameter specifies the type of dependent LU for the LU being added.

Specify LU address range?

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether you want to define an LU address range.

LU address range

Valid Values
Any range of values within 1 - 255

Default Value

This parameter specifies LU address range.

The LU address range can be specified by using the following format:


If no hyphen follows the first value, that value is assumed to be a single LU address. Multiple ranges can be entered, separated by commas. For example, the following string specifies 2 address ranges and 2 specific LU addresses:


Number of implicit workstation definitions

Valid Values
1 to 255

Default Value

This parameter specifies the number of dependent LUs to be added to the implicit pool.


This command adds a specific LU. You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Table 44. Configuration Parameter List - Add TN3270E LU
Parameter Information

LU name

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z,@, $, and #
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Default Value

This parameter specifies the LU name of the dependent LU being defined.

NAU address

Valid Values
1 to 255

Default Value

This parameter specifies the NAU address of the LU being defined.

Station name

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Default Value

This parameter specifies the name representing either the link between the DLUR and the PU defined using the add local-pu command or the subarea link over which SNA data will flow.


Valid Values

Explicit Workstation

Implicit Workstation

Explicit Printer

Implicit Printer

Default Value

This parameter specifies the LU class.

LU type

Valid Values
  • 1 -- 3270 Mod 2 display
  • 2-- 3270 Mod 3 display
  • 3 -- 3270 Mod 4 display
  • 4 -- 3270 Mod 5 display
  • 5 -- 3270 printer
  • 6 -- SCS printer

Default Value

This parameter specifies the type of dependent LU for the LU being added.

Implicit pool name

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z, <
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Default Value

This parameter specifies the name of the implicit pool to be used in the LU definition. This question is asked only if the class is an implicit workstation or implicit printer.

Define an associated printer

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether you want to define an associated printer.

Associated printer name

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z,@, $, and #
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Default Value

This parameter specifies the name of the associated printer.

Associated printer NAU address

Valid Values
1 to 255

Default Value

This parameter specifies the NAU address for the associated printer LU definition.



This command adds a client IP address to LU name mapping. You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

The following mapping rules apply:

Note:When a client connects while mapping is enabled, the server will begin ANDing the client's IP address with the subnet mask of each sequential map. The longest match between the incoming client IP address and the map definition determines which map definition is tried first. If all eligible resources in the map definition are in use and final LU mapping connection attempt is no, the map definitions are again searched for the next most specific match.

Table 45. Configuration Parameter List - Add TN3270E Map
Parameter Information

Pool name/LU name

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Default Value

This parameter specifies an LU name or a Pool name to be mapped to the IP address. The LU name can only be mapped to a Host address. If the mask is a network mask, the name specified must be a pool name.

Client IP address or Network address

Valid Values
Any valid IP address

Default Value

This parameter specifies the IP address of the client or network map definition to be added.

Address Mask

Valid Values
Any valid IP address mask

Default Value

This parameter specifies the IP address mask the router applies to incoming client IP addresses and configured client IP or network addresses to determine whether they match.

Port number

Valid Values
1 to 65535

If you want to specify a particular port, you should select either the global TN3270 server port value defined with the set command, or one of the port values defined with the add port command.

Default Value

This parameter specifies the destination TCP port number a TN3270 client must connect to in order for this mapping entry to be checked. If the value is zero, the mapping entry applies to client connections to any defined TCP port number.

Final LU mapping connection attempt

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether the router should continue to try less specific mapping entries if a client match with this entry failed to yield a valid available LU.



This command specifies additional port for the TN3270E Server to listen on. You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Table 46. Configuration Parameter List - Add TN3270E Port
Parameter Information

Port number

Valid Values
1 to 65535

Default Value

This parameter specifies the port number to be added.

Support TN3270E?

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether the added port will negotiate to be a TN3270E server. If it is not an "E" Server, it will not support printing or system requests.

Pool name

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Default Value

This parameter specifies the name of the pool associated with this port. Clients that connect to this port and do not specify an LU name or pool name will be assigned an LU from this pool.

Disable Client Filtering for this port?

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether incoming connections on this port should use the box-wide Client IP Address to LU Name Mapping function if it is enabled.



This command removes a TN3270E LU. You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Table 47. Configuration Parameter List - Delete TN3270E LU
Parameter Information

LU name

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z,@, $, and #
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Default Value

This parameter specifies the LU name of the dependent LU to be removed.



This command removes a TN3270E implicit pool. You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Table 48. Configuration Parameter List - Delete TN3270E Implicit
Parameter Information

Pool name

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Default Value

This parameter specifies the name of the LU pool to be deleted.

Delete entire pool

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether the entire pool or a specific entry is to be deleted.

Station name

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Default Value

This parameter specifies the name of the station to be deleted.



This command removes a client IP address to LU name mapping. You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Table 49. Configuration Parameter List - Delete TN3270E Map
Parameter Information

Client IP address or Network address

Valid Values
Any valid IP address

Default Value

This parameter specifies the IP address of the client or network map definition to be deleted.

Client IP address or Network address Mask

Valid Values
Any valid IP address mask

Default Value

This parameter specifies the IP address mask of the client or network map definition to be deleted.

Delete all entries for this client?

Valid Values
Yes or No

Default Value

This parameter specifies whether the entire pool or a specific name is to be deleted.

Pool name

Valid Values
A string of 1 to 8 characters:
  • First character: A to Z
  • Second to eighth characters: A to Z, 0 to 9

Default Value

This parameter specifies the LU name or pool name to be deleted.



This command deletes port definitions. You will be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Table 50. Configuration Parameter List - Delete TN3270E Port
Parameter Information

Port number

Valid Values
1 to 65536

Default Value

This parameter specifies the port number to be added.



This command lists a TN3270E configuration.

Monitoring APPN

This section describes how to monitor APPN. It includes the following sections:

Accessing the APPN Monitoring Commands

Use the following procedure to access the APPN monitoring commands. This process gives you access to an APPN's monitoring process.

At the OPCON prompt, enter talk 5.

After you enter the talk 5 command, the GWCON prompt (+) displays on the terminal. If the prompt does not appear when you first enter configuration, press Return again.

Enter protocol APPN For example:

* talk 5
+ protocol APPN

If typing p appn results in the message "Protocol APPN is available but not configured", you probably have one of the following errors:

Once you have reached the APPN monitoring prompt, enter tn3270 to reach the TN3270E > monitoring prompt.

APPN Monitoring Commands

This section describes the APPN monitoring commands for monitoring APPN interfaces. Enter the commands at the APPN> prompt, and TN3270 server commands at the TN3270E> prompt.

Table 51. APPN Monitoring Command Summary
Command Function See details on page:
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists keyword options for specific commands. --
activate link Activates a configured link. "Activate"
aping Tests SNA/APPN connectivity to a target LU. "Aping"
deactivate link Deactivates a configured or dynamic link. "Deactivate link"
dump Writes an APPN dump to disk or to the network. "Dump"
list cp-cp_sessions Displays a list of all adjacent CPs that may have CP-CP sessions with this router. page ***
list dlur dlus Displays a list of active DLUS's and the status of each session in the DLUS-DLUR pipe. page ***
list dlur lu Displays a list of downstream or internal PUs with LU statistics for each PU. page ***
list dlur pu Displays a list of downstream or internal PUs with their connection status. page ***
list dlur status Displays a summary of currently active global DLUR configuration information. page ***
list ds incomplete_locates Displays a list of APPN searches that are currently in progress. page ***
list ds resource Displays a complete or partial list of LU names in this router's APPN directory. page ***
list ds status Displays summary statistics for APPN Directory Services. page ***
list dumps Displays a list of dumps on disk. page ***
list focal Displays a list of network management focal points with their status. page ***
list isr_sessions Displays the number of active ISR LU-LU sessions that pass through this router, by link. page ***
list link Displays a list of configured and dynamic links from this router. page ***
list link link-name Displays detailed configuration and status about one particular link. page ***
list local_link Displays a list of logical links from DLUR to local PU2.0s in this router (which are used to contain TN3270 LUs). page ***
list log Now replaced by "log view" and "log status". page ***
list port Displays a list of configured physical and logical APPN router ports with their status. page ***
list port port-name Displays detailed configuration and status about one particular port. page ***
list rtp Displays a list of nodes in the RTP Partner Table, and summary information about all active RTP connections. page ***
list rtp tcid Displays detailed information about one or all RTP connection(s). page ***
list session Displays a list of ISR sessions that flow through the router. page ***
list status Displays a summary of general APPN configuration and status information. page ***
list topo node Displays information in this router's topology database about a particular node in this topology subnet. page ***
list topo status Displays a summary of topology database statistics. page ***
list topo tg Displays a complete or partial list of active TGs in this topology subnet. page ***
log status Displays summary information about the APPN event log. page ***
log view Enters a submenu for navigating and viewing APPN event log entries. page ***
memory Displays summary and detailed information about APPN memory usage within the router. "Memory"
restart Stops and reactivates APPN and TN3270 disruptively. "Restart"
rtp status Displays currently in-use global RTP configuration information. "Rtp status"
rtp switchpath Causes an RTP connection to path switch to the best currently available path. "Rtp switchpath"
rtp test Does an HPR route test and displays the results. "Rtp test"
stop Stops APPN and TN3270 disruptively. "Stop"
test rtp Does an HPR route test and display the results (old form of "rtp test"). "Rtp test"
tn3270e Accesses the TN3270 monitoring command menu. "TN3270E Monitoring Commands"
transmit dump Transmits an APPN dump from the router's hard disk (2216, Network Utility, 2212) to a workstation in the network using TFTP. "Transmit"
exit Returns you to the main Talk 5 monitoring menu. --

Table 52. TN3270E Server Monitoring Command Summary
Command Function See details on page:
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists keyword options for specific commands. --
deactivate lu Deactivates by force an LU in use by a TN3270 client, and disconnects the corresponding TCP connection to that client. "Deactivate LU"
list connections Displays a complete or partial list of active client connections. ***
list lu lu-name Displays detailed configuration and status information about a single internal LU. ***
list mapping Displays a list of configured client IP address to LU/pool name mappings. ***
list pools Displays a list of configured implicit LU pools. ***
list pools pool-name Displays detailed information about a single LU pool. ***
list ports Displays a list of configured TN3270 server target TCP ports. ***
list pu Displays a list of all internal PUs (both DLUR and subarea) with summary status and configuration information. ***
list pu pu-name Displays a list of all internal LUs under the specified PU, with summary status and configuration information for each LU. ***
list rejections Displays a list of the most recent client connections rejected. ***
list status Displays global TN3270 server configuration and statistical summary. ***
exit Returns you to the APPN monitoring menu. --

APPN Monitoring Command Details

This section describes the detailed syntax of the APPN monitoring commands. You enter these commands at the APPN> command prompt.


Use the activate link command to activate a configured link. Use the list link command to look up the name of the link you wish to activate and to view the status of the link after activating it.


activate link link_name



aping flag-value-pairs lu_name


Specifies one or more of the following flags followed by a value. Specify these flag values only if you want to override the default values.

Table 53. Flags
Flag Meaning Default value
-m Mode name for LU6.2 session #INTER
-t Destination TP (transaction program) name APING
-i Count of sends and receives to issue 1
-x Count of LU6.2 conversations to run (serially) 1
-y Count of TPs to run (serially) 1
-s Size of packet 100 bytes
-q Quiet Status messages
-b Output display goes to talk 2 (in background) Display to Talk 5

Specifies the fully-qualified LU name of the target of the APING.

Valid Values: Any valid fully-qualified LU name


APPN >aping stfnet.mvs8
Allocate duration: 536 msec
Iteration  Duration  Data Sent  Data Rate
  number    (msec)    (bytes)     (Kb/s)     LU name
     0       458        100          1       STFNET.MVS8
Avg.         458        100          1

Table 54. APING Output Description
Item Description Key values
Allocate duration Time required to set up the LU6.2 session and conversation for the aping. --
Iteration duration Round-trip time required to send and receive acknowledgement for the data packet. --
Iteration data rate Calculated data rate (min 1Kb/s) based on duration and bytes sent. --

Deactivate link

Use the deactivate link command to deactivate a configured link. Use the list link command to see link names and to view the status of the link after using this command. Configured links should have an inactive status and dynamic links should disappear.


deactivate link link_name


Use the Dump command to create an APPN dump.



Since this dump is non-disruptive to APPN functions, you can improve its integrity by minimizing traffic and APPN control commands while the dump is in progress.


Use the List command to display information about the APPN configuration. The command lists:




dlur dlus

dlur lu

dlur pu

dlur status

ds incomplete_locates

ds resource

ds status





link link-name




port port-name


rtp tcid



topo node

topo status

topo tg


list appc_sessions
Use the list appc command to display a list of all LU6.2 sessions that have an endpoint in this router. Examples of such sessions include: CP-CP sessions, sessions from DLUR to a DLUS, sessions to a network management focal point, and sessions started due to an "aping" command. This command lists all active sessions. If a pipe consists of two one-way sessions, both sessions in the pair are displayed.


APPN >li appc
LU Name             Mode  Type  FSM  FID  PCID
STFNET.CP3174BC   CPSVCMG  Pri  ACT  FID2 C4 9B 1F 3B 03 54 83 3D
STFNET.CP3174BC   CPSVCMG  Sec  ACT  FID2 CB 13 AF 4A 23 AC E5 06
STFNET.VL14       CPSVCMG  Pri  ACT  FID5 C4 9B 1F 3B 03 54 83 40
STFNET.VL14       CPSVCMG  Sec  ACT  FID5 CB 67 9F CA F8 27 B5 9F
STFNET.VLNN045    CPSVCMG  Sec  ACT  FID5 C8 8B 1F 3B 04 42 34 FA
STFNET.VLNN045    CPSVCMG  Pri  ACT  FID5 C4 9B 1F 3B 03 54 83 41
STFNET.MVS8       CPSVRMGR Pri  ACT  FID2 C4 9B 1F 3B 03 54 83 42
STFNET.MVS8       CPSVRMGR Sec  ACT  FID2 D3 B7 7C D5 57 35 0B C8

Table 55. List appc_sessions Output Description
Item Description Key values
LU name Fully qualified partner LU name --
Mode Mode name for the session
  • #CONNECT = standard medium priority
  • #INTER = standard high priority
  • CPSVCMG = CP-CP session
  • CPSVRMGR = DLUR-DLUS session
  • SNASVCMG = Focal point session
  • other mode names are architected and can also be user-defined

Type Router session activation role
  • Pri = Primary
  • Sec = Secondary

FSM Current session status (Finite State Machine value)
  • ACT = active
  • PBIR = pending BIND request
  • PCIN = pending CINIT (Session services is finding and activating the outbound TG)
  • RES = reset (initial)

FID Format ID type
  • FID2 = ISR
  • FID5 = HPR

PCID Procedure correlator ID: session identifier --

list cp-cp_sessions
Use the list cp command to display a list of all the adjacent nodes that may have CP-CP sessions with this router. The output list includes all CPs that have an active link that supports CP-CP sessions, as well as CPs that are no longer connected but had an active CP-CP capable link in the past (since APPN was last restarted). Unlike the list appc command, one line of output represents a conwinner/conloser session pair.

If the router is configured as a Branch Extender node, the list will indicate only one active CP-CP session pair to an adjacent NN. The is the BEX node's NN server.


APPN >li cp
          CP Name Type     Status    ConWinner ConLoser ConWinner ConLoser 
     ID    Sense     Sense    
      STFNET.NN12  NN     Active   BAF92A69  BAF92A84 080F6051  00000000 
  STFNET.CP3174BC  NN     Active   BAF927E3  BAF927E5 00000000  00000000

Table 56. Output Description
Item Description Key values
CP name Fully qualified name of adjacent CP --
Type Node type of adjacent CP

NN = network node

EN = end node

Virt = virtual node

Status CP-CP session-pair status




ConWinner/Loser ID Router internal session id for the contention winner/loser session in the CP-CP session pair, 0 if session is not connected --
ConWinner/Loser sense SNA sense code for why the conwinner/loser session last disconnected --

list dlur dlus
Use the list dlur dlus command to display a list of active DLUSs and the status of each session in the DLUR-DLUS pipe. The DLUSs listed may come from one of these sources:


APPN >li dlur dlus 
                   STATE        STATE  
STFNET.MVS8        UP           UP

Table 57. List dlur-dlus Output Description
Item Description Key values
DLUS name Fully qualified CP name of DLUS --
ConWinner/Loser state Status of the contention winner/loser session in the DLUR-DLUS session pair





BLOCKED = waiting for SSCP takeover

list dlur lu
Use the list dlur lu command to display a list of active downstream (or internal, for TN3270) PUs with LU statistics for each PU. Dependent PUs in this list either have an active link to the router, or the router is currently attempting to establish a link.


APPN >li dlur lu 
CP NAME           LINK      TOTAL  ---NO SSCP LU STATE---   NO OF LUs 
                  NAME      LUs    DOWN   PENDING  ACTIVE   LU_LU SESS    
STFNET.VLNN105    PUSUD1     253      0      0      253        0
STFNET.VLNN105    PUSUD21     10      0      0       10        0
STFNET.VLNN105    PUSUO2       9      0      0        9        0
STFNET.VLNN105    PUSUO1      10      0      0       10        0

Table 58. List dlur lu Output Description
Item Description Key values
CP name Name of CP on which the LU resides. For TN3270 internal LUs, the router's CP name. --
Link name Configured or dynamically constructed link station name for the link to the dependent PU. This link can be external or internal to the router. --
Total LUs Sum of the number of LUs in all the SSCP-LU states. These LUs need not be defined at the router, but are defined at the host. --
SSCP-LU state: down Number of LUs that have no owning SSCP but still have LU-LU sessions (lost SSCP link but ANS=CONT). --
SSCP-LU state: pending Number of LUs that are waiting for ACTLU response. --
SSCP-LU state: active Number of LUs that have received ACTLU response. This number is not decremented when an LU is bound and enters LU-LU state. --
LU-LU session Number of LUs that currently have LU-LU sessions active --

list dlur pu
Use the list dlur pu command to display a list of downstream (or internal, for TN3270) PUs with their connection status. Dependent PUs in this list either have an active link to the router, or the router is currently attempting to establish a link.


APPN >li dlur pu 
                                  NAME     STAT   
STFNET.VLNN105    active      INT PUSUD1   act   CON PUSUD12  STFNET.MVS8       
STFNET.VLNN105    active      INT PUSUD21  act   CON PUSUD1   STFNET.MVS8       
STFNET.VLNN105    active      INT PUSUO2   act   CON PUSUO2   STFNET.MVS8       
STFNET.VLNN105    active      INT PUSUO1   act   CON PUSUO1   STFNET.MVS8

Table 59. Output Description
Item Description Key values
CP name CP name of the dependent PU. For external PUs, this is the CP name they send in their XID, or, if they do not send one, it is a name the router makes up using the format DLUR..@nnn. For internal PUs, this is the CP name of the router. --
Status SSCP-PU session status, from the perspective of the DLUR router.

You can decode status values as follows:

  • pe = pending
  • Re = request
  • Rs = response
  • Actp, Actpu = ACTPU Dactpu = DACTPU
  • LnkAct = link activation
  • Inop = inoperative


peReActpRs (e.g., pipe is down)

reset (down)







Loc Location of the PU relative to the DLUR router

INT = internal

DON = downstream

Link name Configured or dynamically constructed link station name for the link to the dependent PU. This link can be external or internal to the router. --
Sess stat Status of the DLUR-DLUS pipe that carries control flows for this dependent PU.

act = active

res = reset (down)

pAct = pending active

pInac = pending inactive

ANS Host sysdef value for Automatic Network Shutdown: whether LU-LU sessions should continue or stop when SSCP connectivity is lost.

CON = continue

STP = stop

SSCP PU name VTAM name for this dependent PU, received in ACTPU. --
Act DLUS name CP name of the DLUS that currently owns this PU (the "active DLUS"). --

list dlur status
Use the list dlur status command to display a summary of currently active global DLUR configuration information. Note that some of these values have optional link-level overrides.


APPN >li dlur st 
Primary DLUS Name                    = STFNET.MVS8 
Backup  DLUS Name                    =  
Retry Time Limit                     = 15 
Short Retry Timer                    = 15 
Short Retry Count                    = 20 
Long Retry Timer                     = 30 
Drop Link when there are no sessions = NO

These are all configured data items. See page ***.

list ds incompletes
Use the list ds inc command to display a list of APPN search requests ("locates") that are currently in progress. This router is waiting for replies from other nodes in the network.

The command prompts for several possible data filters. For a description of each, see the output description table below.


APPN >li ds inc
        PCID (0 if unknown) [00000000 00000000]? 
        Locate origin CP      (NetID.CPname or *) [*]? 
        Locate origin LU      (NetID.LUname or *) [*]? 
        Locate destination LU (NetID.LUname or *) [*]? 
PCID & Incomplete
 Child CP Name(s)     Origin CP         Origin LU      Destination LU
----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
c49b1f3b 03310d51 STFNET.VLNN105    STFNET.VLNN105    STFNET.VL12      
c49b1f3b 03310d50 STFNET.VLNN105    STFNET.VLNN105    STFNET.MVS8      

Table 60. Output Description
Item Description Key values
PCID Procedure correlator ID: a network-level correlator for this particular search procedure. --
Incomplete child CP names CP names of nodes to which this router has sent locate requests, and from which it is still awaiting replies. --
Origin CP Name of the CP that started the search originally. --
Origin LU Name of the LU that started the search originally. --
Destination LU Name of the LU being searched for. --

list ds resource flag-value pair
Use this command to display a list of resource (LU) names in this router's APPN directory.

To limit the data displayed, you can specify one of the following filter flags and a corresponding value:

Table 61. Output Description
Filter flag Value
-c CP name of LU owner, can be qualified with net id or not
-n Net id of LU owner
-l Fully-qualified LU name
-s Fully-qualified server name


APPN >li ds res
*                 STFNET.VLNN105    STFNET.TEMP       WILDCARD HOME     

Table 62. Output Description
Item Description Key values
LU name Name of the LU, or "*" to represent a full wildcard. --
Server name CP name of the NN server for that LU. --
Owner name CP name of the LU's owner. For instance, an EN might own an LU that resides in the EN. --
Location Where the LU is located.

REGISTER = registered by a served EN

X-DOMAIN = in or served by another NN

LOCAL = in the router, including LUs served by DLUR

DOMAIN = served by the router as a NN, but not registered

WILDCARD = owner has a full wild-card (non-explicit) definition

Type Category of entry in the directory, reflecting how the entry is to be handled.

HOME = sysdef'd in the router

CACHE = dynamically learned by the router, will age out

REGISTER = registered by a served EN, can be deregistered by the same

list ds status

Use this command to display summary statistics about this router's APPN directory.


APPN >li ds s 
Maximum Directory Entries   = 4000 
Current Cache Entries       = 3 
Current Home Entries        = 284 
Registered Entries          = 0 
Directed Locates Received   = 0 
Broadcast Locates Received  = 1 
Directed Locates Sent       = 2 
Broadcast Locates Sent      = 2 
Directed Locates Not Found  = 0 
Broadcast Locates Not Found = 0 
Outstanding Locates         = 0

list dumps

Use this command to list all APPN dump files on the router hard disk. This command is not available for routers that do not have a hard disk.


APPN >li du
 1     168084     Thu Jul 01 15:11:18 1999

Table 63. Output Description
Item Description Key values
Number Dump number to use with the transmit dump command --
Size Size of the dump file, in bytes. This number grows while the dump is in progress. --
Date/time Date and time of the last file change. The time changes while the dump is in progress. --

list focal

Use this command to display a list of configured and active dynamic network management focal points with their status.


APPN >li foc

Table 64. Output Description
Item Description Key values
Category Category of function performed by the focal point.




OTH = other

Status Status of LU6.2 sessions to this focal point.

NOTACT = not active

ACT = active


NEVERACT = was never active

Type Nature of the focal point, using host-centric terms: Explicit = FP is not configured at the router, connects to the router Implicit = FP is configured at the router, router connects to FP

Values at the right are listed in high-to-low priority order, where a higher priority FP can dynamically take over as FP.

EXP_PRI = explicit primary

IMP_PRI = implicit primary

BKUP_FP = backup foc. pt.

DEF_PRI = default primary

DEF_BKP = default backup



Focal point CP name of the node providing the focal point function. --

list isr_sessions
Use this command to display the number of active ISR LU-LU sessions that pass through this router, by link. The counts include:

Use the list session command to display more information about the counted ISR sessions.


APPN >li isr 
  Adjacent CP Name  TG Number   ISR Sessions 
    STFNET.CP3174BC      21             3

Table 65. Output Description
Item Description Key values
Adjacent CP name CP name of the node adjacent to the router on this TG, either configured or received in an XID. --
TG number Negotiated TG number for this link. --
ISR sessions Number of active ISR sessions on this link. --

list link_information
Use this command to display a list of all configured and all active dynamic links.


APPN > li l 
    Name   Port Name  Intf       Adj CP Name  Type       HPR      State
  TO3174       TR005     5   STFNET.CP3174BC    NN  INACTIVE     ACT_LS 
   TOLEN        TR00     0       STFNET.TEMP   LEN   ENABLED   RESET_LS 
  TOLEN1        TR00     0       STFNET.ABCD   LEN   ENABLED   RESET_LS 
     @@0       TR005     5       STFNET.NN12    NN    ACTIVE     ACT_LS

Table 66. Output Description
Item Description Key values
Name For configured links, the link station name you configured. For dynamic links, the router constructs a name of the format "@@nnnn", where nnnn starts at zero and continues to increase until it wraps. --
Port name The configured APPN name for the port through which this link is connected. --
Intf The router's logical interface number for the port through which this link is connected. --
Adj CP name CP name of the node adjacent to the router on this link, either configured or received in an XID. --
Type Configured or actual (if link is active) node type of the adjacent node.




LEARN (configured only)

HPR Configured or actual (if link is active) status of HPR on the link



ENABLED (configured only)

DISABLED (configured only)

State Current connection status of the logical link

Some intermediate state definitions: SENT_REQ_OPNSTN = underlying port is active, DLC has been asked to contact the remote link station

PEND_XID_EXCH = remote station contacted, exchanging XIDs

Steady states

RESET_LS = reset (down)

ACT_LS = active (up)Going-up states









SENT_CONN_RSPGoing-down states






list link_information link-name
Use this command to get detailed configuration and status information about a single logical link to an adjacent node.


APPN > li link vm30pu1
Link Station Information
       ls_name = VM30PU1
       type = DEFINED
       act_at_startup = TRUE
       auto_act_supported = FALSE
       pan uplink = FALSE
       replace inbound CP name/node id = FALSE
       retry link act unconditionally = FALSE
       adjacent node subnet affiliation = NEGOTIABLE
       subnet visit count = 3
       remote mac_addr = 402222222222
       remote sap_value = 04
       hpr_sap_value = C8
       real_adj_cp_name = USIBMNR.NRMVM30
       node_id = 00000000
       cp_cp_sessions_supported = FALSE
       hpr_supp = FALSE
       hpr link = FALSE
       link station state = ACT_LS
       direction = OUTBOUND
       actual_max_send_btu_size = 2006
       partner_node_type (actual) = EN
       partner_node_type (defined) = LEARN
       tg_isr_type = ENDPOINT_TG
       tg_num (defined) = 0
       tg_num (actual) = 0
       Received CV22 Sense code = 0

Table 67. Output Description
Item Description Key values
Type How the link is known to the router.

DEFINED = configured


TEMPORARY = not yet able to match against configured links

Act_at_startup Whether link is configured to activate when APPN starts up.



Auto_act_supported Link is able to be activated only when needed --
Pan_uplink Whether link is configured as a Branch Extender (peripheral access node) uplink (EN appearance upstream to NN).



Replace inbound CP name / node ID Whether link is configured that these XID fields from an adjacent LEN node should be overridden by values configured in the router.



Retry link act unconditionally Whether link activation failure and link failure should always be retried regardless of the cause.



Adjacent node subnet affiliation Whether link is configured to be an EBN link to a different topology subnet.




Real adj CP name CP name received in XID from the adjacent node --
CP-CP sessions supported Configured value from router port or link definition



Hpr_supp Configured support for HPR



Hpr link Actual negotiated support for HPR on this link



Link station state Current connection status of the logical link Same values as in "list link"
Direction Direction in which link activation occurred



Tg_isr_type Link/TG type

ENDPOINT_TG = adjacent node acts as an EN

INTERMEDIATE_ROUTING_TG = router acts as NN or EBN and adjacent node is a NN

Received CV22 sense code SNA error code for XID exchange failure, received from the adjacent node on this link. --

list local_link_information
Use this command to display a list of logical links inside the router from DLUR to internal PU2.0s. These PUs are used to contain LUs for the TN3270 server function.


APPN > li loc 
    Name     SSCP PU Name     Node ID    Auto Act    Sense  State
  PUSUD1      STFNET.PUSUD12   77DE711      TRUE         0  LOCAL_ACT_LS 
 PUSUD21       STFNET.PUSUD1   77D7E11      TRUE         0  LOCAL_ACT_LS 
  PUSUO2       STFNET.PUSUO2   77D7F12      TRUE         0  LOCAL_ACT_LS 
  PUSUO1       STFNET.PUSUO1   77D7F11      TRUE         0  LOCAL_ACT_LS

Table 68. Output Description
Column title Description Key values
Name Configured link station name for the internal link to the dependent PU. --
SSCP PU name VTAM's name for this PU, received in the ACTPU. --
Node ID Configured ID block and ID number for this internal dependent PU. --
Auto act Whether this link will automatically activate when APPN starts.



Sense Sense code for last link failure. --
State Current internal logical link status Steady states

LOCAL_RESET_LS = reset (down)

LOCAL_ACT_LS = active (up)Going-up states


LOCAL_SENT_ACT_ASGoing-down states



list port_information
Use this command to display a list of configured physical and logical APPN router ports and their status.


APPN > li port 
  Intf        Name       DLC Type        HPR          State
    5        TR005       IBMTRNET       TRUE       ACT_PORT 
    0         TR00       IBMTRNET       TRUE       ACT_PORT

Table 69. Output Description
Item Description Key values
Intf Router's logical interface number for this port. --
Name Configured APPN port name. --
DLC type Configured or physical interface type.


ETHERAND = ethernet


FR = frame relay

HPR_IP = enterprise extender

IBMTRNET = token-ring


MPC+ = multi-path channel +


X25 = X.25 QLLC

HPR Default HPR status you configured for dynamic links on this port.



State State of the physical or logical interface as APPN perceives it. Steady states

RESET_PORT = reset (down)

ACT_PORT = active (up) Going-up







list port_information port-name
Use this command to display detailed configuration and status information about one particular port.


APPN > li port t00004
Port Information
       port_name = T00004
       dlc_name = IBMTRNET
       port_num = 4
       max_rcv_btu_size = 2048
       ls_role = NEGOTIABLE
       sap_value = 04
       mac_addr = 401111111111
       hpr_sap_value = C8
       pan_uplink = FALSE
       adjacent node subnet affiliation = NEGOTIABLE
       subnet visit count = 3
       hpr_supp = FALSE
       port state = ACT_PORT

Table 70. Output Description
Item Description Key values
DLC name Port type Same values as DLC type field in "list port"
Port num Router logical interface number for this port --
LS role Initial local link station role on this interface.




Pan uplink Whether dynamic links on this port are configured as Branch Extender (peripheral access node) uplinks (EN appearance upstream to NN).



Adjacent node subnet affiliation Whether dynamic links on this port are configured to be EBN links to a different topology subnet.




HPR support Configured support for HPR on dynamic links on this port



Port state State of the physical or logical interface as APPN perceives it Same values as in list port

list rtp

Use this command to display a list of the entries in the RTP Partner Table, and summary information about all active RTP connections with an endpoint in the router (the RTP Connection Table).

The RTP Partner Table does not appear if there are no entries in it. An entry is created for each remote node for which all of the following are true:

Note that an RTP Route Setup is not performed during CP-CP or RSETUP RTP activation, so there will be no entry for an adjacent node if the only active RTP connections to it are for carrying CP-CP session or Route Setups. Also note that all levels of the IBM 3746-900/950, and recent levels of VTAM, use multiple NCEs.


APPN > li rtp 
 Remote Partner Name  Remote Boundary Name  TG Number  
         STFNET.NN12           STFNET.NN12     -1 
      STFNET.VLNN045       STFNET.CP3174BC     21 
   TCID             CP Name  ISR  APPC  Pathswitch    Alive    COS TPF TG Number 
31BE30E0       STFNET.NN12    0    1         180       180    CPSVCMG      21 
31BE4428       STFNET.NN12    0    1         180       180    CPSVCMG      21 
31BF4850       STFNET.NN12    0    0           0       180     RSETUP      21 
31BF5B98       STFNET.NN12    0    1         180       180   SNASVCMG      21 
31BF6EE0       STFNET.NN12    0    8         180       180   #CONNECT      21 

Table 71. Partner Table
Item Description Key values
Remote partner name CP name of the node in which an RTP connection terminates. --
Remote boundary name CP name of the next ISR node adjacent to the remote partner node, or LU name of the remote application using the RTP connection. --
TG number TG number of the TG to the next ISR node adjacent to the remote partner node. A value of "-1" indicates that the session which caused RTP activation ended in the remote partner node; in this case the "Remote boundary name" is the name of session's destination LU in the remote partner node. --

Table 72. Connection Table
Item Description Key values
TCID Transport Connection ID, a unique identifier for this RTP connection shared by its two end-points. --
CP name CP name of the node in which this RTP connection terminates. --
ISR Number of ISR LU-LU sessions routed onto this RTP connection in the router. This number includes the following session types:
  • Sessions from LUs in external nodes that come in ISR and leave on HPR, whether routed using DLUR or not
  • Sessions from TN3270 LUs in this router that leave on HPR, but only if routed using DLUR (sessions on subarea links cannot use HPR)
APPC Number of LU6.2 sessions with an endpoint in this router that are routed onto this RTP connection. This number can include the following session types:
  • CP-CP sessions to HPR CF-tower capable nodes
  • DLUR-DLUS pipe sessions
  • Focal point sessions
  • Aping sessions
Pathswitch Maximum time in seconds to do a path switch, before failing the RTP connection --
Alive Time in seconds between heartbeat messages when there is no user traffic --
COS TPF Class of Service name for all sessions on this RTP connection.

Depending on connection setup timing conditions, it is normal to see parallel RTP pipes (same endpoints) with the same class of service.

CPSVCMG = CP-CP sessions


#BATCH = standard low-priority

#CONNECT = standard medium-priority

#INTER = standard high-priority

other architected and user-defined names exist

TG number Link/TG number for the first hop of the RTP connection out of the router. --

list rtp tcid
Use this command to display detailed status and statisical information about one or all RTP connections.


APPN > li rtp 31CC5DA8
  TCID             CP Name  ISR  APPC  Pathswitch    Alive    COS TPF TG Number
31CC5DA8       STFNET.VL15    0    2         200       180    CPSVCMG      21
RemoteTCID: 00000000 31C680C8, Role: ACTIVE,  State: CONNECTED
FwdRSCV: 162B0100 12461080 150BE2E3 C6D5C5E3  *..........STFNET
         4BE5D3F1 F521                        *.VL15.
Xmit:  SentBytes SentFrames  FramesQd FramesWAck AllowdRate ActualRate Tokens?
      0x00003009 0x00000057         0          0    311Kbps      0Kbps  AVAIL
Recv:  RcvdBytes RcvdFrames OutOfSeqQ FramesDiscarded ARBmode
      0x0000349B 0x00000055         0          0       GREEN 
Misc: SmoothedRoundTrip  SR_timeouts FramesResent Pathswitches
              654ms              2           0    
;        0
FwdMinLinkCapacity:    15974Kb/s,     ReverseMinLinkCapacity:    15974Kb/s
Each set of data below is taken over 5 min intervals - New(top), Old(bottom)  
Allwdsndrate  Actlsendrate  SmRoundTrip  FramesResent  PacketsDisc  GapsReptd
       0KB/s         0KB/s          0ms             0           0          0
       0KB/s         0KB/s          0ms             0           0          0
       0KB/s         0KB/s          0ms             0           0          0
       0KB/s         0KB/s          0ms             0           0          0
       0KB/s         0KB/s          0ms             0           0          0
       0KB/s         0KB/s          0ms             0           0          0

Table 73. Output Description
Item Description Key values
Role Router's role in establishing this RTP connection



State Current state of the connection. If the RTP connection is currently undergoing a path switch, the string "in path switch" is appended to the state value (e.g., "CONNECTED, in path switch").







Tokens? Whether the router has permission to send at this instant in time. It is normal for Tokens to be NOT AVAIL whenever FramesQd is nonzero, as long as subsequent displays show SentBytes and SentFrames increasing.



ARB mode Status the router is reporting as a receiver to its partner, based on network congestion detected through ARB calculations.




SR timeouts Number of times the Short Request timer expired. This timer starts when the router sends a control message to its RTP partner. Timer expiration indicates that the reply did not come within the expected time. --
MinLinkCapacity Capacity of the slowest TG along this RTP's route. --
Allowed send rate Maximum data send rate permitted by the receiver. This is an average value over the 5-minute interval. --
Actual send rate Calculated data send rate based on actual bytes transmitted between the last two rate requests. If there is no data to send, this rate drops. This is an average value over the 5-minute interval. --
Smoothed round trip Average time to send data to and get reply from the other end of the connection, over the 5-minute interval..
Frames resent Number of frames this router resent in this 5-minute interval due to gaps reported by the receiving partner node (a single gap can result in multiple frames resent). --
Packets disc Number of received packets that this router discarded in this 5-minute interval, due to a shortage of APPN buffers in this router or a protocol violation detected. --
Gaps reptd Number of data gaps this router reported as a receiver during this 5-minute interval, to the sending partner node. --

list session_information
Use this command to display a list of ISR sessions that flow through the router. These sessions are the same ones counted by link with the command list isr and include:

This command does not list LU6.2 control sessions with an end-point in the router; use list appc to see these sessions. In order to see the full output of this command, you must have configured APPN Node Management parameters to save RSCV information for intermediate sessions.


APPN > li sess
     Origin CP Name          Primary LU        Secondary LU  Mode Name
        STFNET.VL15         STFNET.VL15         STFNET.MVS8     #INTER
        STFNET.VL15         STFNET.VL15         STFNET.MVS8   SNASVCMG
        STFNET.MVS8         STFNET.MVS8         STFNET.VL15   CPSVRMGR
        STFNET.VL15         STFNET.VL15         STFNET.MVS8   CPSVRMGR

Table 74. Output Description
Item Description Key values
Origin CP name CP name of the node that owns the primary LU for this session. --
Primary LU LU name of the primary LU. --
Secondary LU LU name of the secondary LU. --
Mode name Mode name used to set up this session.

Note that mode names for LU6.2 control sessions (e.g., DLUR-DLUS pipe) do not mean that these sessions terminate in the router. Rather, they are passing through the router via ISR. Use list appc to see the sessions that terminate in the router.

#CONNECT = standard medium priority

#INTER = standard high priority

CPSVCMG = CP-CP session


SNASVCMG = Focal point session

other mode names are architected and can also be user-defined

list status
Use this command to display a summary of general APPN configuration and status information. The output provides an "at a glance" view of current status.


APPN > li stat
Fully Qualified CP  NAME : STFNET.NETU24    
Node up Time             : 6 hrs 50 min 21 Sec
Extended Border Node     : Not Supp    Branch Extender : Not Supp
DLUR                     : ACTIVE      TN3270E         : ACTIVE  
Main Mem Stat            : OK          Buffer Mem Stat : OK

Table 75. Output Description
Item Description Key values
FQ CP name Configured network ID and CP name of this router. --
Node up time Amount of time since APPN last restarted. --
Extended border node Whether the router is configured to be an EBN.

Supp = configured

Not Supp = not configured

Branch Extender Whether the router is configured to be a branch extender node.

Supp = configured

Not Supp = not configured

DLUR Whether DLUR function is configured and active.

ACTIVE = configured and running

NOT ACT = not configured or not running

TN3270E Whether TN3270 server function is configured and active.

ACTIVE = configured and running

NOT ACT = not configured or not running

Main mem stat The current state of the main part of APPN memory.


CONSTRED = constrained


Buffer mem stat The current state of the buffer part of APPN memory.



CONSTRED = constrained


list topo node
Use this command to display topology information about a particular node in this router's topology subnet.


APPN > li topo node 
NODE NAME []? stfnet.rbkim 
                   TYPE  RES    GES  LEFT              SUP  
;         IVE 
STFNET.RBKIM       NN    128    N    15     23     Y   CF     N   N   Y 
NETIDA.RB61         ACT       Y    APPN      21 
STFNET.MVS3         ACT       Y    APPN      21 
STFNET.RBBOB        NOTSUP    Y    APPN      21 
STFNET.RBBRUNO      ACT       Y    APPN      21

Table 76. Output Description
Item Description Key values
CP name Control point name of the node, which you input --
Node type Architected type of the node



VN = virtual node (e.g., connection network)

Route res Route addition resistance (higher is more resistant to adding new routes through the node). This value is usually configured at the node and is not dynamic. --
Conges Congested or not, as dynamically reported by the node.

Y = yes

N = no

Time left Days remaining for this topology database entry to age out. If you need to force the entry out sooner, VTAM provides topology delete functions that can cause the router to remove entries. --
RSN Resource sequence number for this node, used to determine whether an received update contains new information not previously seen. --
BN Whether the node performs a Border Node function

Y = yes

N = no

HPR sup Level of HPR support the node can perform

BASE = ANR forwarding only

TRAN = transport - can have RTP endpoints for data sessions only

CF = control flow - can have RTP endpoints for data and control sessions

ICN Interchange node - whether the node is a VTAM performing both SNA subarea and APPN function

Y = yes

N = no

CDS Central directory server

Y = yes

N = no

Native Whether the node is in the router's topology subnet. Note that a node could have the same net id yet be in a different topology subnet.

Y = yes

N = no

For a description of the fields in the list "Active TGs originating from this node", see list topo tg.

list topo status
Use this command to display a summary of topology database statistics.
APPN > li topo st
Max num of Nodes allowed in Topo( 0 = limit is memory ) : 5400
Current number of Nodes in Topology                     : 25
Number of Node records purged from this node            : 0
Number of TG records purged from this node              : 0
The last flow reduction seq num sent out by this node   : 259
Topology safe store frequency ( 0 = not saved)          : 0

Table 77. Output Description
Item Description Key values
Max nodes allowed Calculated value for the maximum number of nodes allowed in the database, based on the amount of APPN memory, the product type, and various min and max limits. --
Number of node records purged Number of node records deleted because they aged out or because of VTAM-initiated network topology operations. --
Number of TG records purged Number of node records deleted because they aged out or because of VTAM-initiated network topology operations --
Last FRSN sent out Latest flow reduction sequence number sent out by this node to any other node. --
Topology safe store frequency Configured time in minutes between backups of topology data base to the router's hard disk.

0 = topology safe store is not enabled

list topo tg flag-value pairs
Use this command to display information in the router's topology database about active TGs (links, or transmission groups) in this topology subnet.

To limit the data displayed, you can specify one or more of the following filter flags and corresponding values.

Table 78. Output Description
Filter flag Value
-c CP name of TG owner, can be qualified with net id or not
-n Net id of TG owner
-p Fully qualified name of TG partner


APPN > li topo tg -c c20015 
STFNET.C20015      STFNET.VLNN045     ACT       Y    APPN      23      444 
STFNET.C20015      STFNET.PDLUR2      ACT       N    APPN       1      436

Table 79. Output Description
Item Description Key values
TG owner CP name of the node that reported this TG. Both endpoints of a TG report the TG, each as the owner with the other as the destination. --
TG destination CP name of the other end of the TG relative to the owner. --
CP-CP CP-CP session support on this TG

ACT = active

NOTSUP = not supported

SUPINACT = supported but inactive (e.g., parallel TGs where only one carries CP-CP sessions)

UNK = unknown

HPR HPR support on this TG

Y = yes

N = no

TG type Architected type of this TG


INTER = interchange, a Subarea to APPN link

VIRT = virtual, e.g., a link to a connection network virtual node


Use this command to display APPN's internal event log.




log status
APPN keeps its own internal event log, in addition to the router's ELS event logging. Use this command to display current summary statistics about the APPN event log.


APPN > log st
Entries: 32, Discarded: 0, Filtered: 25959, Memory: 9348 of 273400
Filters enabled:
Display direction: Descending
Top Entry:
   32|Jul 23 15:16:15 2F107-24 (E) SCM - UNBIND cleanup is being generated
Bottom Entry:
    1|Jul 23 08:55:45 2F104-14 (E) NOF unable to monitor EGPE environment
Current Time:
  Fri Jul 23 15:47:35 1999

Table 80. Output Description
Item Description Key values
Entry numbers The total number of entries, the number discarded due to the log being full, and the number filtered out as duplicates. --
Memory size Error log current size and maximum size in bytes. The maximum size is fixed at about 1% of APPN memory. --
Filters enabled A list of log output viewing filters that you currently have set.


Severity: severity level

Message: message ID

Display direction The time order of output viewing that you currently have set.

Descending (newest at top)


Top/bottom entries Summary line for each of these entries (order is dependent on display direction). This lets you see the time scope of the entries currently in the log. --
Current time Current day and time with same basis as log entries. --

log view
Use the log view command to enter a submenu of commands for navigating and viewing the APPN event log.

When you enter log viewing mode, you can use the commands bottom, top, goto, next, and prev to move around and display log entries in summary mode (a page of 1 or 2-line entries at a time). You use the commands det next, det prev, and det entry to move around and display the details of individual log entries.

The log viewing submenu also contains commands to control settings for log viewing. You can use the filter command to select the minimum severity level you wish to see, or to only look for a single message type. Each use of the filter command overrides all previous settings; it does not combine with previous commands. You can use the set command to establish log viewing preferences.

Submenu syntax and functions are as follows:

Table 81.
Log view Submenu Syntax
Command Keywords and Parameters Function
bottom   Move to bottom, show summary page
current   Redisplay current summary page
detail next_entry Display the next entry in detail
  prev_entry Display the previous entry in detail
  entry_id seq_num Display the specified entry in detail
filter all Clear output filters (show all)
  only severity action_required Show entries with this severity or greater.
     message message-id Show only entries with this msg
goto_entry sequence_num Move to entry, show summary page
next_page   Display next summary page
prev_page   Display previous summary page
set lines_in_page Show this many lines in page
  direction ascending Show newest entry last
         descending Show newest entry last
top   Move to top, display summary page
exit   Return to main APPN t 5 menu


APPN > log v
LOG VIEW > top
 32|Jul 23 15:16:15 2F107-24 (E) SCM - UNBIND cleanup is being generated
 31|Jul 23 15:16:15 2F107-24 (E) SCM - UNBIND cleanup is being generated
 30|Jul 23 15:08:15 2F10A-1A (I) Request Route
 29|Jul 23 15:08:15 2F10A-07 (E) REQUEST_ROUTE_RSP failed
 28|Jul 23 15:08:15 2F10A-1A (I) Request Route
 27|Jul 23 15:08:15 2F10A-07 (E) REQUEST_ROUTE_RSP failed
 26|Jul 23 15:08:15 2F10A-1A (I) Request Route
 25|Jul 23 15:08:15 2F10A-07 (E) REQUEST_ROUTE_RSP failed
 24|Jul 23 11:41:06 2F120-18 (C) Correlation table entry was not found.
 23|Jul 23 11:37:46 2F120-18 (C) Correlation table entry was not found.
 22|Jul 23 11:07:27 2F120-18 (C) Correlation table entry was not found.
 21|Jul 23 11:07:27 2F126-0D (E) TNS0013I %1: Keepalive processing detected error
 ; the connection between IP addr %2 and LU %3 has been ended.
LOG VIEW > det e 21
Sequence Number: 210
APPN Lifetime: 7206.950 seconds
Fri Jul 23 11:07:27 1999
ProbeID 226066B3
Message 2F126000-0000000D
Severity: Error
TNS0013I %1: Keepalive processing detected error ; the connection between IP addr
 %2 and LU %3 has been ended.
(Sn)  e124102
(Sn)  STAT1

Table 82. Output Description (Summary Page, left to right)
Item Description Key values
Sequence number Unique number assigned to this event when it is written to the log (not when displayed). This is the number you use with the "goto" and "detail" commands. --
Date / time When the event occurred, per this router's clock. --
Message ID Major-minor message identifier for the condition that occurred. See the "APPN Log Event Reference Guide" for a description of every possible message. Append three zeros to the major and prepend six zeros to the minor part of the ID to map to the values in the Reference Guide. --
Severity APPN classification of how serious the event is. Key values are listed in the order of decreasing severity.

A = action required

C = critical

E = error

W = warning

I = informational

Event name Brief description of the event. Use the "detail" command and the Reference Guide for more information. --

Table 83. Output Description (Event Details)
Item Description Key values
Sequence number Same number described above for the summary page. --
APPN lifetime Time in seconds from when APPN last started. --
Date / time Same as on summary page. --
Probe ID ID for the exact software location that logged this error.
Message ID Same as on summary page, but expanded with leading and trailing zeros to match the "APPN Log Event Reference Guide". --
Severity Same values as on summary page, but expanded in words. See above
Event name Brief description of the event, enhanced by the data items listed below it. Use the Reference Guide for more information. --
Data type labels Identifiers for the different types of data logged with each message. See the Reference Guide for a description of the data items with each message.



( X)

others ...


Use the Memory command to display APPN memory usage information.




APPN > mem
APPN memory status:
             Size (MB)   Percent in-use   State
   Main       152            17           OK
   Buffer      19             0           OK
   Total      171            14
APPN total shared memory size= 179200000, special use= 800
APPN main part: size = 159487200 crit_thresh= 151512840 cons_thresh= 143538480
APPN main part: inuse= 26516176 (incl: Trace tbl=65536, Error log= 1447)
APPN main part: peak memory usage= 26518048
APPN main part: event counts: crit= 0 cons= 0 OK  = 1
APPN main part: OK for last 278211 seconds
APPN bufr part: size = 19712000 crit= 18726400 cons= 17740800 slow= 13404160
APPN bufr part: inuse= 1232 reserved (< slow)= 24992
APPN bufr part: peak memory usage= 26360
APPN bufr part: event counts: crit= 0 cons= 0 slow= 0 OK  = 1
APPN bufr part: OK for last 278211 seconds

Table 84. Output Description
Item Description Key values
Total shared memory Configured size of APPN and TN3270 server data memory, in bytes. You set this when you configure APPN. It does not include the APPN or router code space, or the data/buffer memory needed by other router components.

The "special use" part of this is not counted in the main or buffer parts, and is for APPN system control structures.

Main part Part of APPN shared memory that is used for control blocks, trace tables, internal messages, and other general fixed and dynamic data.

This part includes two special data areas: - a trace table (Trace tbl) fixed at 2% of total shared memory or 64KB, whichever is larger. For Network Utility, it is fixed at 20MB. This table is allocated at APPN startup. - an event log (Error log) that grows up to 1% of total shared memory

Buffer part Part of APPN shared memory that is used for packet/frame buffering.

The "reserved" part of this is a dynamic number of committed buffer space that statistically backs a larger logical buffer space. "(< slow)" indicates that this value must remain below the slow threshold for normal functioning.

Main states State of the main part of APPN memory relative to calculated threshold values.

When the main state becomes progressively more congested, APPN takes some of these actions to help ease congestion: put links into local busy, and reject incoming broadcast searches.




Buffer states State of the buffer part of APPN memory relative to calculated threshold values. Note that the buffer state is considered critical any time the main part is critical, regardless of the level of buffer memory usage.

When the buffer state becomes progressively more congested, APPN takes some of these actions to help ease congestion: reject new sessions, pace session data flow more slowly, report the node as congested in topology updates, slow down RTP senders, put links into local busy, and even disconnect current lowest-priority sessions.





Inuse, peak usage Current number of bytes in use, and the high water mark that the in-use value ever reached. --
Event counts Number of times a given state occurred since APPN last restarted. --
<state> for last nn seconds Length of time that the memory part has been in the current state. If the node has ever entered a depletion state, additional information is provided about how long that state lasted, how long ago it was, etc. --

Rtp status

Use the rtp status to display currently in-use global RTP configuration information.


rtp status


APPN > rtp stat
                    Network        High      Medium        &
nbsp; Low
Liveness timer          180         180         180          180
Path Switch Timer       180         180         180          180
Retries                   6           6           6          6

Table 85. Output Description
Item Description
Network, etc. SNA transmission priority
Liveness timer Time in seconds between heartbeat messages when there is no user traffic.
Path switch timer Maximum time in seconds to do a path switch, before failing the RTP connection.
Retries Number of short request retries to do before attempting a path switch.

Rtp switchpath

Use the rtp switchpath to force an HPR path switch for an RTP connection that has an endpoint in this router. The path switch operation selects the best currently available path, which may in fact be the current path. In any case, the path switch causes a temporary suspension of user traffic flow on the specified RTP connection.

To use this command, use list rtp first to determine the TCID of the RTP connection you wish to force a path switch on. Type "rtp switch" and provide that TCID when prompted. To see the results of the path switch, use list rtp tcid, and look at the status of the connection to determine when path switch is complete (status reverts to "active"). You can see the new path either in the RSCV or by using rtp test.


rtp switchpath

Rtp test

Use the rtp test command to perform an HPR route test and display information about each link hop along the path of the RTP connection. Use the list rtp command first to determine the TCID of the RTP connection you wish to test. This command performs the same action as the older command test rtp


rtp test


APPN > rtp test
Enter TCID of the route to be tested [0]? 31B96928
Route Test issued
Waiting for 10 Seconds.....
Result     : SUCCESS
Detailed Information
                                              TIME  TIME
STFNET.VLNN105      STFNET.VL16          21       8      8    SUCCESS
STFNET.VL16         STFNET.VL15          21      68     60    SUCCESS

Table 86. Output Description
Item Description Key values
Result (overall) Status or failure reason for the route test operation.







TG owner CP name of the nearest node on this route hop. --
TG dest name CP name of the far node on this route hop. --
TG num Number for this link as negotiated between the owner and destination. --
RT time Round-trip time in milliseconds from the router to the TG destination. --
Delta time Round-trip time in milliseonds from the TG owner to the destination, i.e., the portion of RT time that is just for this hop. --
Result (detailed) Status of reaching the destination of this hop.




Use the restart command to restart APPN and TN3270 disruptively, without restarting or reloading the rest of the router software. If APPN is not already stopped, this command stops APPN before restarting.

When APPN restarts, it uses the current in-memory configuration information, whether or not that information has been written to disk using the talk 6 write command (only for router models with a hard disk).




Use the stop command to stop APPN and TN3270 disruptively without affecting the rest of the route.




Use the tn3270e command to access the TN3270E> command prompt from which you can display information about the TN3270E configuration.

See Table 87 for a description of these commands.




Use the transmit dump command to transmit an APPN memory dump file from the router's hard disk to a TFTP server over a network interface. Use the list dump command to find the number of the file to transmit. You configure the TFTP server destination using the APPN talk 6 commands set dump target and enable dump-memory.

This command is not available for routers that do not have a hard disk.


transmit dump-number

TN3270E Monitoring Commands

Table 87. TN3270E Monitoring Command Summary
 Command   Function    
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Deactivate lu_name   Deactivates an LU in use by a TN3270 client, and to disconnect the corresponding TCP connection to that client.    
 List   Lists the following from configuration memory: 
  • Connections
  • Connections LU name
  • Connections IP address
  • Maps
  • Pools
  • Pools pool name
  • Ports
  • Status
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".

Deactivate LU

Use the deactivate LU command to deactivate an LU in use by a TN3270 client, and to disconnect the corresponding TCP connection to that client. Use the list conn command first to determine the local LU name based on IP address, VTAM LU name, or pool name.

This command provides success/failure completion status, and you can also use list commands to check status. After deactivation, the client should no longer appear under list conn, and list lu or list pu puname should reflect the change in LU status.


deactivate lu local lu_name


Use the list command to display information about TN32870 connections.



lu internal_LU_name



pools pool_name



pu pu_name




list connections flag-value pair
Use this command to display a complete or subset list of active TN3270 client connections.

To limit the data displayed, you can specify one or more of the following filter flags and corresponding values:

Table 88. Flag Description
Filter flag Value
-l (flag not required, you can just type the value) Router LU name or pool name
-i (flag not required, you can just type the value) Client IP address, or a leading substring of that address. For example, 9.67 will satisfy all IP addresses of format 9.67.*.*
-p VTAM primary LU name
-s VTAM secondary LU name (normally does not match router LU name)


TN3270E > li conn
Local LU  Class  Assoc LU   Client Addr     Status   Prim LU  Sec LU  Idle Min
PU1LU207   IW          LU-LU  NRAVM30   LU22207   8
PU1LU60    IW           LU-LU  NRAVM30   LU2260    52
PU1LU89    IW           LU-LU  NRAVM30   LU2289    288

Table 89. Output Description
Column title Description Key values
Local LU LU name configured or host-defined in the router. --
Class Type of LU

IW = implicit workstation

EW = explicit workstation

IP = implicit printer

EP = explicit printer

Assoc LU For a workstation LU, the name of any associated printer LU --
Client addr IP address of the client. Note that a single client IP address may have multiple LUs in use, by varying its TCP source port. --
Status Connected state of the LU

SSCP-LU state

LU-LU state

blank = TCP connection exists but LU is not connected yet

Prim LU Primary LU name as known to VTAM --
Sec LU Secondary LU name as known to VTAM --
Idle min Number of minutes since this connection carried any user data --

list lu internal LU name
Use this command to display detailed configuration and status information about a single internal LU. Use the list conn or list pu name commands to help determine the router LU name for a particular LU.


TN3270E > li lu pu1lu207
LUNAME    : PU1LU207        NAU : 207               LINK NAME : VM30PU1
POOL NAME : PUBLIC          MODEL : 3270002
             NOT SESSTOP  , NOT DETCHRCV ,     LSACON   ,     HSACON
             NOT SLI      , NOT EXIT     ,     OWNED    ,     INITCOMP
             NOT RD2 , NOT RD3 , NOT RD4 ,     BID , NOT WR1 , NOT WR2
ACTLU     :     4915        DACTLU :        0             BIND  :    0
UNBIND    :        0        NOTIFY :        1

Table 90. Output Description
Column title Description Key values
LU name LU name configured or host-defined in the router, which you input. --
NAU SNA 1-byte NAU address of this LU on its PU (2-254). This value is now displayed in decimal. --
Link name For subarea host links, the link station name of the external link associated with this PU. For DLUR host links, the PU/station name of the internal link to DLUR. --
Pool name Name of the pool through which this LU can be selected by a client. --
Model 3270 display or printer model this LU supports. --
SSCP_LU state Value decodings of individual bits of SSCP-LU session status for this LU, for engineering use --
LU_LU state Value decodings of individual bits of LU-LU session status for this LU, for engineering use --
Flags, Flags1, Verb flags Other state flags for engineering use --
Other output Other state information for engineering use --

list mapping
Use this command to see the currently active configured mappings between client IP address and TN3270 LUs in the router. You can also test which mapping entries apply to a particular client IP address.

To limit the data displayed to the entries the server will use for a particular IP address, just specify that IP address when you invoke this command.


TN3270E > li map
TN3270E Client IP Address to LU Name Maps
Client IP         Address           Resource         Last
Address           Mask              Name      Port   Map  Type  Resource
---------------------------------------------------------------------------   <DEFLT>   23     Y  POOL  WORKSTATION    LU45      0      Y  LU    WORKSTATION    LU47      0      Y  LU    PRINTER    LU46      0      Y  LU    WORKSTATION    LU48      0      Y  LU    PRINTER        POOL2     0      N  POOL  PRINTER            POOL1     0      N  POOL  WORKSTATION            <DEFLT>   0      N  POOL  WORKSTATION

Table 91. Output Description
Item Description Key values
Client IP address IP address seed for matching client IP addresses --
Address mask Bit mask to be applied to the address seed and incoming client addresses to determine whether this mapping applies to this client. Only bit positions where the mask bit is 1 are compared. = compare the entire incoming client IP address

Resource name LU name or pool name configured in the router

<DEFLT> = the globally configured default pool

Port Server destination TCP port for incoming connections to be matched against this entry.

0 = entry applies to all destination ports

Last map If a match is found on this entry but cannot be satisfied by the pool/LU, whether the server should go on to try and match the connection against less specific entries.

Y = yes

N = no

Type Whether the resource name is an LU or pool



Resource Type of LU or type of LUs in pool



list pools
Use this command to list configured named pools of implicit LUs. Clients can request any LU in a pool by passing the pool name on their connection request.


TN3270E > li pool
TN3270E Implicit pools
Default pool name : PUBLIC
Name         Class          
POOL2        PRINTER     

Table 92. Output Description
Item Description Key values
Default pool name Name of the global default pool into which all implicit LUs not placed into another pool fall. This is the pool referenced by the string <DEFLT> in various commands and displays. --
Name Configured name of the pool --
Class Configured type of LUs in the pool



list pools poolname
Use this command to show detailed configuration information about a single LU pool. This command allows you to see how the LUs in a pool are distributed among dependent PUs, how they are named, and what type they have. For full information about the LUs under a particular PU, use the list pu name command.


TN3270E >li pools pool1
TN3270E Implicit Pool
Pool Name : POOL1                                Pool Class  : WORKSTATION 
        Station Name  : PU1     
                LU Name Mask : @02LU
                Number of lus :200
                Model Type : 3270 mod 2


TN3270E >li pools pool2
TN3270E Implicit Pool
Pool Name : POOL2                                Pool Class  : PRINTER    
        Station Name  : PU1     
                LU Name Mask : @03LU
                LU Address Range : 5-10,78-99                
                Model Type : SCS  
        Station Name  : PU1     
                LU Name: LU48    
                NAU Address :  48
                Model Type : 3270

Table 93. Output Description
Item Description Key values
Station name For subarea host links, the link station name associated with the dependent PU. For DLUR host attachment, the local PU name. --
LU name mask For implicit LUs only, the configured name seed the router uses to generate LU names in the given address range or number. --
LU address range For implicit LUs only, the NAU address range the router uses to generate LUs in this pool under this PU. --
Number of LUs For implicit LUs only, the number of LUs the router generates under this PU. --
LU name For an individual explicit LU only, the configured LU name. --
NAU address For an individual explicit LU only, the 1-byte NAU address for the LU. --
Model type Configured type of the single LU or group of LUs. For displays:

3270 mod 2

3270 mod 3

3270 mod 4

3270 mod 5 For printers:



list ports
Use this command to display all the TCP ports that TN3270 clients can connect to, and the configured characteristics of each port.


TN3270E > li ports
TN3270E Server Ports
Port Number   TN3270E   Resource Name    Disable Filtering
23             Y        <DEFLT>            N
45             Y        <DEFLT>            N
66             Y        <DEFLT>            Y
88             Y        POOL1              N
99             Y        <DEFLT>            N

Table 94. Output Description
Item Description Key values
Port number Destination TCP port number in the router that clients connect to. --
TN3270E Whether this port is configured to support "E" clients or not.

Y = yes

N = no

Resource name Configured pool name for clients connecting to this port.

<DEFLT> = the global default implicit pool

other names are user-configured

Disable filtering Whether client IP address maps should be checked for clients connecting to this port.

Y = yes

N = no

list pu
Use this command to display all internal dependent PUs configured for TN3270 LUs, including those that use DLUR and those that use subarea host links.


TN3270E > li pu
PU NAME    STATUS         NODE ID   TOTAL  DDDLU    -------LUs  IN------
                                    LUs    ENABLED  ACTIV OW
VM30PU1    ACTPU_RCVD     07711111  249    N        249      5    244
VM30PU2    ACTPU_RCVD     07722222  249    N        249      5    244

Table 95. Output Description
Column title Description Key values
PU name For PUs associated with subarea links, the configured link station name of the host link. For PUs associated with DLUR, the configured local PU name. --
Status Current status of the SSCP-PU session



Node ID The internal configured node id that represents this dependent PU to VTAM. --
Total LUs The current number of LUs defined in the router under this PU. This includes both configured LUs and active host-initiated dynamic LUs. --
DDDLU enabled Whether this PU is configured for dynamic LU definition.

Y = yes

N = n

LUs active Number of LUs that have been ACTLU'd from the host. This number can include both configured and host-initiated DDDLU LUs. --
LUs owned Number of LUs that are associated with client TCP connections. --
LUs available Number of LUs that are active or DDDLU-capable and are not owned, so are available for use by TN3270 clients. This number can include configured LUs whose PU is active and supports DDDLU, but does not include host-initiated DDDLU LUs unless they are active. --

list pu pu-name
Use this command to display configuration and status information for all LUs under a particular dependent PU in the router. These LUs include:


TN3270E > li pu vm30pu1
PU NAME    STATUS         NODE ID   TOTAL  DDDLU    -------LUs  IN------
                                    LUs    ENABLED  ACTIV OW
VM30PU1    ACTPU_RCVD     07711111  249    N        249      5    249
          ADD                NAME     STATUS    STATUS
PU1LU2     02  ACTIV    NO   PUBLIC   (04,20)   00        02    00
PU1LU3     03  ACTIV    NO   PUBLIC   (04,20)   00        02    00
PU1LU4     04  ACTIV    NO   PUBLIC   (04,20)   00        02    00
PU1LU5     05  ACTIV    NO   PUBLIC   (04,20)   00        02    00
PU1LU6     06  ACTIV    NO   PUBLIC   (04,20)   00        02    00
PU1LU7     07  ACTIV    NO   PUBLIC   (04,20)   00        02    00

Table 96. Output Description
Item Description Key values
LU Name Name of the LU as it is known to the router. This name is either fully configured at the router, generated by the router based on a configured seed value, or passed from the host for a host-initiated dynamic LU. --
NAU add The 1-byte SNA address for this LU under this PU. This value is either configured at the router, selected by the router, or passed from the host. The value is now displayed in decimal. --
Status Current status of this single LU



Own Whether this LU is associated with a TN3270 client TCP connection



Pool name Pool name through which a client may be assigned this LU. Blank for explicit LUs
SSCP_LU status, LU_LU status, Flags, flags1 Hex values of status fields for engineering use. To see these values decoded, use the list lu name command. --

list rejections
Use this command to display a list of up to 99 of the most recently rejected TN3270 client connections. This can help you see and correct the reason for the rejections. The list is sorted with the most recent rejection at the top, and shows all rejections including multiple attempts by the same client.


TN3270E > li rej
Connection Rejection Table
  1 Time   : 7/23/1999 11:09:00
    Client :
    Reason : Client is not authorized by Filter entries
  2 Time   : 7/23/1999 11:08:59
    Client :
    Reason : Client is not authorized by Filter entries
  3 Time   : 7/23/1999 11:08:59
    Client :
    Reason : Client is not authorized by Filter entries

Table 97. Output Description
Item Description Key values
Time Day and time the rejection occurred. --
Client IP address of the client. --
Reason Text describing why the server rejected the client connection. There are currently over 40 reasons defined. Example reasons include:

Node is terminating

Couldn't get memory

No LUs available

Requested LU not found/available

LU type validation failed

LU capping value reached

LU Pool depleted

APPN memory constrained

list status
Use this command to display a summary of configuration and current status information for the TN3270 server function.


TN3270E > li st
TN3270E Server Status Summary
TN3270E IP Address:
NetDisp Advisor Port Number: 10008
Keepalive type: NOP          Frequency: 60
Automatic Logoff: N
Client IP Address mapping : N
Number of connections                  : 10
Number of available LUA LU's           : 498
Number of LUA LU's pending termination : 0
Number of defined LU's                 : 498
Number of connections in SSCP-LU state : 0
Number of connections in LU-LU state   : 10

Table 98. Output Description
Item Description Key values
IP address IP address within the router to which the TN3270 clients connect --
NetDisp advisor port number TCP port number to which the Network Dispatcher load balancing function can connect to poll for load information on this server. --
Keepalive type Whether and how the server polls clients to see if they are still active.

None = server does not poll clients, and will discover client absence only when trying to send data

NOP = server polls clients at the TCP level

Timing mark = server polls clients at the TN3270 level

Frequency Interval in seconds between keepalive polls --
Automatic logoff Whether or not the server disconnects clients after a period of inactivity (no data flowing in either direction).

Y = yes

N = no

Client IP address mapping Whether the server is globally enabled to map incoming IP addresses to LU/pool names

Y = yes

N = no

Number of connections Current number of active TCP connections to TN3270 clients --
Number of available LUA LUs Number of LUs that are currently activated from the host, or are dynamically capable of activation. This includes LUs that are in currently in use by TN3270 clients. --
Number of LUA LU's pending termination Number of LUs that are going down, and the router is waiting for host confirmation. These LUs are no longer associated with TN3270 client connections. --
Number of defined LU's Number of LUs that are either configured in the router or active host-initiated dynamic LUs. --
Number of connections in SSCP-LU state Number of active TCP connections associated with an LU in SSCP-LU state.

When the LU associated with a connection is bound by an application and enters LU-LU state, this number is decremented (even though the SSCP-LU connection is still active).

Number of connections in LU-LU state Number of active TCP connections associated with an LU in LU-LU state. --

APPN Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

APPN supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following considerations:

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

APPN supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

When an interface is activated, the ports and links in APPN SRAM for this interface are defined to the APPN node and activated.

All APPN interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

APPN supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

All APPN interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Component Reset Commands

APPN supports the following APPN-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:

GWCON, Protocol Appn, Restart Command

This command restarts the APPN node.

Network Effect:
The APPN data flowing through this node will be disrupted. APPN is stopped and restarted.


The changes made to the APPN configuration ( Talk 6 ) will also be reflected.

All APPN commands are supported by the GWCON, protocol appn, restart command.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Activate Commands

APPN supports the following CONFIG (Talk 6) activate commands:

CONFIG, Protocol APPN, Activate_new_config Command (OR) CONFIG, Protocol APPN, TN3270E, Activate_new_config Command

This command activates any changes made to APPN config.

Network Effect:
If the change cannot be activated dynamically, APPN is restarted.


All APPN commands are supported by the CONFIG, protocol appn, activate_new_config (OR) CONFIG, protocol appn, tn3270e, activate_new_config command.

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